Watch not what: the attractions that you disappoint


Beauty that are so impressive on postcards, in reality often turn out to be somehow no longer. Pics.Ru will help you save the precious holiday time and not to spend it to visit attractions that do not have attention.

Empire State Building (USA, New York)


Wishing to spit from Empire so much that on the weekend it is simply impossible on the weekend, and even on weekdays, prepare for the fact that the waiting in the queue will delay the hour on one and a half or two. And the queues are actually three - on the entrance, to the cash desks and to elevators. View from the observation deck of 86 floors and the truth is good - no worse than the view from 102 floors, for the passage to which you have to pay extra. But the people are so much that in any picture with you in the frame there will be another couple of unfamiliar physiognomy.

Alternative : Lift to the Rockefeller Center of the Rockfeller Center Top of The Rock, there and the public is smaller, and the view of New York is much cooler.

Hotel and Casino "Luxor" (USA, Las Vegas)


A huge casino hotel is a pyramid - Visita Card Vegas and Quintessence of Luxury. Well, that is, probably, he once was. Now this abode of Fortune's favorites is a gloomy, dusty and shabby hotel, forever mastered the cigarette smoke. The casino also knew the best times: automata here are dilapidated and monotonous.

Alternative : Try good luck in a really beautiful venetian casino.

Sentoz Island (Singapore)


The island of entertainment, located in Singapore Harbor, is a rather boring, dear and weak moon-park with the same shops and hotels, and you will have to pay literally for everything except walking, even for the showing fountains - in the very center of Singapore, a similar show is shown Once a day is completely free.

Alternative : Go to Futuristic Park Gardens by The Bay, and in the evening awake in the city center.

Stonehenge (United Kingdom, Wiltshire)


To join the knowledge of the ancients, feel the mystical power of Druids? Dispersed. The road from London will take several hours. When you get to the place, you will find that the mysterious Stonehenge is surrounded by highways, giant stones with a slightly higher than 4 meters high, the cold wind is knocked down (it always blows here), and the unpretentious herds of tourists walk around the perimeter, pushing her knees and elbows. Spirituality and mysticism here is no more than in the queue for chicken at the dawn of the 1990s.

Alternative : If it is so straight to look at the circles of stones, go to the neighboring Avbury - there is our Stonehenge and there is no such influx of visitors. In addition, the circle in Avbury is the largest in the world, he surrounds the entire village.

Longly Women's Village (Northern Thailand)


Women of the Karen Mountain tribe wear on the neck of the rings, adding one year each year. By 30 years, the shoulders under the severity of such jewelry are lowered, and the neck becomes very long. Tour operators successfully monitored this tradition and tourists in the village of Karen. As a rule, these settlements are closerly built souvenir shops, disguised as authentic settlements. The visit leaves a feeling of painful awkwardness, as if he fell into a human zoo.

Alternative : Support national minorities with money - the same representatives of the mountain tribes brings on the city markets of the North Thailand made by hand bags and other beautiful pieces in the national style. And cultures in the markets are exactly more.



This microscopic principality, clamped between France and Italy, in itself is a landmark. Which is not worth spending time, even if you pass by. There are no picturesque churches, cozy local cafes and golden beaches - there are alapecked casinos, crowds of nerve bodygards with wiring in the ears, prices, stunning even Londoners, and a very closed parking for yachts.

Alternative : Instead of spending the day for the voyage in Monaco, lifting in Nice - take a walk on the old quarters, climb to the castle mountain or to bother on celebrities - they still have it.

Eiffel Tower (France, Paris)


The symbol of Paris, romance and in general the whole of France looks exciting and elegant. Save this illusion and do not come closer. From a short distance, Eiffel Tower is more like a corona support of the LEP, the queue to the colossal and irritated, and around a pretty dirty - people are arranged in the glades surrounding the creation of the Eiffel, picnics and are not particularly strained to remove dirty packages, wrappers and cups.

Alternative : In Paris, there is another sight point - the Montparnas Tower, the ugly box, after the construction of Paris's authorities horrified and banned the construction of skyscrapers in the city center. What is especially cool, with the upper floors you can see the Eiffel Tower - and not visible the Montparnasa itself, naturally.

Cathedral of John the Baptist (Italy, Turin)


It is here that the famous Turin ds, one of the most mysterious artifacts of Christianity is stored. It is very rare and briefly on the universal review. If you postpone the religious considerations, the Cathedral of John the Baptist - is hardly the most uninteresting church of Turin.

Alternative : Magnificent baroque basil of Consolate in the neighborhood.

Copacoban Beach (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro)


Clean golden sand, lulling the noise of waves, rustling palm trees and peace ... There is nothing on the beach of Copacoban. But there are 6-way autotrass, stenchillok, a dense row of high-rise, dirty water, knocking up waves and hazardous underwater flows, as well as hundreds of prostitutes, fraudsters, pockets, beggars, and after sunset - and robbers.

Alternative : Ipanoma Beach is cleaner, more beautiful and more safer, which is why Brazilians themselves prefer to rest, leaving Copacoban for visiting suckers.

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