Save, New Year! How not to succumb to pre-New Year hysteria



New Year rushes to us, soon everything happens ... and a lot of joy ... yeah, we know these your joy!

It will happen, a clear case, and the confusion "where to take so much time and money", and panic "and I have not forgotten with gifts", and hysterics "five minutes, five minutes, and I am fat and with dark roots" ... so , retain the carcass captain! Put from the Panic Flood with the right mood!

Method 1. Joy is not about the rules

So. The first thing in any business is a good self-impassion. And the right and wise things are most useful for yourself. And if you have forgottening them in the shop windows and in the tape for the nervous cliking grinding of Mishura, these things, then we can remind you of pleasure. Wise Truth Number times: The holiday is joy, and to rejoice, it is not necessary to do it exactly as it makes this aunt Masha or 146% of the country's population. It is quite possible to rejoice at the parquet, not shuffled to mirror. You can relax easily with a bar in an embrace instead of deflops. You can rejoice - yes, just having breaking out in the snow or catching an awesome sunset. So all these preparations are only funds. If one can come to the target, then we will come to her!

Method 2. Spread all and all on points


Still, mandaging, presenting the queued somewhere around the horizon from Rabbit's relatives? Take this mandndage. Open your smartphone, write a list. Opposite each marks, the optimum you can actually give it. Now build everyone in terms of importance. Now fine! And now I oversee the lowest third. They will write warm meals with cute electronic postcards. Even easier!

Method 3. Departs

To shook hypnosis of the universal "CHO, Yeah-ha, ran faster, even faster, jumps!", It is necessary to allocate yourself an hour among this runnight to be alone with me. Outside people, actions, usual routes. The simplest is a cup of coffee in a cafe. I cried mentally all this bustle around the sofa, fastened an internal balance - and went further, already without unnecessary douse.

Method 4. Look at these people


But while you sit behind my cup, watch the people. And imagine that you are a mast entomologist, and they are such interesting ants. Look on top of this troubled and stupid anthill. True, a funny biological view, eh? The mustache is so paranoid, the twigs are so desperately dragging! And they think that they will be happiness. Eh, Melkota, evolve you and evolve to rationality!

Method 5. Meet the cats

But this is the next step on the evolutionary staircase. These harmonious contractions never happen the pre-New Year Panic! They happen to have a sudden shiz in a spherical area, but exclusively by their own, and not invented by someone's schedule. Chechi behind the ear and wind their own! (By the way, the snails of this garbage also does not happen. Here is another type of spiritual teachers).

Method 6. Give your business

When you overcome the painful attack of an insurmountable desire to rush behind fresh lanterns instead of last year's, breathe, exhale and go to the pool. Dressing sleeves and work. Hammer and pit. The main thing is not to go to the social network and on the TV. There is some jinglebells, prostangery. Nothing, it will take them all. And you are already healthy.

Method 7. Make Fint Ears


In the midst of clarification, who will pull the rope - Mom with a grandmother, the company of her husband or sister with a boyfriend - take and buy a burning triumph. Or a ticket to Lukhovitsy. Or hire volone in the nursing home. In general, throw something like that to all ofigels, rebooted and some time did not touch you. And there, you look, and you will spend the year how to meet - an extraordinary and creative.

Method 8. Code Fest Panic

If you watch the burning of the eyes and trembling hands not only in the mirror, but also in most neighbors, it is a great reason to make a party from this. Note the holiday of the pre-New Year Panic! It is necessary to declare exclusively in the selected form, with the most nonsense gifts, watch some of the most inappropriate cinema and eat any least new year. In general, the larger bullshit in the cure (a prerequisite, it should come up with itself! No violence!), The more merrily the alternative to the annual bore.

Method 9. Drink wine!


Do you do not support you and prefer to panic traditionally and thoughtfully? Well, a dog with them! Smooth beautiful gesture of Mahni on them with his right hand, scrubby something bottle, climb into the plaid and lists the "magic winter", tastefully stuck out of the throat and imagining itself at the same time the baby Mu, Tuu-Tikka and Morro.

Method 10. Our intimate case

And finally, one more great and mighty, wise as the Polar Owl of Truth. Each of us has a complete constitutional and moral right to even choose to your taste, at least at all desire any holidays. I want to note Roche-A-Shana, the new year of the Incas according to Diego Fernandez de Palencia, Navruz, the day of a faceted glass or anything! .. So panic with hysterics, and a Christmas tree with champagne, we can chamoge. And on the night of the thirty-first to put on a pajama and surrender to Morp. Or someone else. In general, where there is freedom of choice, there are always more joy there!

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