RESET button: How to rest right to really relax


You have three works, two cats, a drama, a circle in the photo, fifty friends and buddies and training on Aikido on Sundays. You are not from those who spend time on TV shows and spitting into the ceiling! Well, in vain. Each of us needs idleness.

Believe me, you need a vacation - even if you don't think so

The introverts should not learn how to disconnect from public life and charge their batteries alone - they can do it from a nursery group. Extraverts are more difficult. People who are accustomed to draw energy from communicating with others, in the same way are overwhelmed and need to be rest from everything and everything, but often do not notice this, and if notice, they ignore the signals that the body sends them. According to the testing of the Air Force, 68% of people are convinced that they need to relax more. And resting - it does not mean dancing the days, as a giant sloth.

What to do to relax?

The researchers interviewed 18 thousand people from more than 130 countries and made a kind of rating of the most relaxing classes. Sleep, being not a luxury idleness, but a vital function, did not enter the list. The tent of the leaders in descending order looks like this: reading, riders for nature, sitting at home alone, listening to music, walking, lurelyanone, bath or shower, dreams, TV and meditation.

Note that in this rating there was no place for such certainly fascinating things as family pastime, romantic dinners and parties with friends. Only the fifth of the respondents mentioned all these classes. In the list, family and friends are located between games with animals and a cup of coffee. Interaction with others can inspire and delight, but we replenish the strength alone.

It's not you a vegetable, these are surrounding -

Honestly, the rating of relaxantht occupations looks like a piece of furious Sunday.

And it somehow confuses. We are always uncomfortable to admit that on the weekend we mainly sluggishly leafing the "American gods" and lay in a bath with foam, while the rest of the world lied at parties that the Great Gatsby would be discussed, mastered the wakeboard and went to the lecture on mineralogy. Or at least worked extra-hourly.

Permanent employment and hyperactivity was erected in the cult, and many even instill in their workload, strongly understood resting time. According to Psychology Today, men are more likely than women, dust in the eyes and pretend from over-employed. Bella Deppaolo researcher asked the mixed group of subjects to estimate the quantity and quality of their rest, and most men stated that they were resting "less than average". But it was only the first half of the experiment. The second part consisted of filling out the questionnaires with a routine of the day, in which the research participants celebrated all their affairs per day. Analysis of these questionnaires showed that in fact, men rested much more than women.

There are mega-active and super-productive people who are able to function perfectly, spending only 4 hours a day in bed and almost never staying alone with themselves. According to scientists, they are about 1%. All others may pretend to be what belongs to this caste, how much they want, but without rest they will quickly become like dudes from the mass of the film "ominous zombies".

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