How to care for your own hands


    How to care for your own hands 38554_1
    The combination of graceful fingers and silky skin underlined by an impeccable manicure looks stunning: no wonder they say that the age of a woman is determined when looking at her hands. The form is a gift of nature, and you will not argue with it. But above the tenderness of your palms and you need to work.

    Uncomplicated secrets of proper skin care helps you make them most attractive: when you first meet your aggressive stretched "robberry", absolutely all men want to kiss, not limited to banal handshake.

    Prevention: an important step towards success

    It is pointless to drink a weight loss cake. Similarly, do not affect the most expensive care products, if you initially do not make your hands.

    - Get a high-quality soap on natural extracts (well, if it will include coconut oil or buttons of Shi), and better - make it yourself. Whitening effect of widely advertised antibacterial soap is able to save you almost from any stain on clothes, - imagine what it does with the skin?

    - Put in the bathroom in the soap area and towels a tube of a protective moisturizing cream. Woven the handles? Immediately lubricate them;

    - Working in the kitchen, washing or laundering floors, try to use gloves. Plate covered with detergents slip? The case of habits: the right "capture" will produce weeks after two. At first, it is necessary to show attention, but the result is worth: very aggressive modern household chemicals;

    - The same applies to the mass purification of vegetables / cutting fruits / recycling of berries, - who have made traces from carrots or cherries do not adorn the skin of the hands. Special loosex mittens will solve this problem.

    Power problems

    Perhaps your diet lacks fats and vitamins. Therefore, the skin cracks in the arms, nails break, etc. Even the most rigid diet should include in the menu products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids: beaten the nuts, red fish, liver, eggs. Proper nutrition (as well as sports, helping to solve the problem of non-psycho repellent veins) will benefit not only handles, but also your image as a whole.

    Hand care at home

    Do you have dry skin on your fingers, it will easily blush and sometimes flakes? Purify your fingers with cream or olive oil masks. Add a tea spoon with a vitamin E or A to homemade cream (sold in a pharmacy). Also, the skin of the hands will be rejected by essential oils (10 drops on 20 ml of cream bases). The use method is elementary: sitting down to watch your favorite transfer, apply the selected tool. Strengthen its action, massaging (rubbing) handles. As it is absorbed, add an additional layer. 20-30 minutes per day create wonders!

    Once a week, organize a sea salt bath, which has a slight exfoliating effect (4 tbsp. On a liter of water, to overturn in her half an hour, after rinse your hands with warm boiled water and lubricate them with a nutritious cream). As well as a milk bath (1: 1 milk and chamomile decoction), guaranteeing whitening effect.

    True, easy? And most importantly - economically: to apply these simple secrets, you do not need to visit the expensive beauty salon. Youth and attractiveness to you and your handles!

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