8 proven tips to help cope with middle-aged crisis


8 proven tips to help cope with middle-aged crisis 38546_1

Let's truth in the eye: anxiety or anxiety I like very few people. If you constantly worry about what can happen or not happen in the future, it inevitably cause stress. During the so-called middle-aged crisis, anxiety appears from almost all people.

The solution of each of these two problems in itself is already quite difficult, but if you combine them together ... So, how best to cope with concern during middle-aged crisis.

1. It is understood that the middle-aged crisis is normal

Surely, few people have ever heard of the U-shaped curve of the happiness. In fact, such a concept as happiness has been studied quite a lot, and the U-shaped curve appeared in most of these studies, and in almost every country. She says that the happiness of man is likely to reach the extremely critical level just during the middle-aged crisis.

The middle-aged crisis is much more common than anyone thinks. Realizing this by moving to the second advice.

2. To know that you are not the only one who fights like

To begin with, it is necessary to imagine that every pilot of his life. The analogy lies in the fact that a person pilots a plane filled with passengers (family, friends and other people important for him). The main goal of each as a pilot is that his passengers have the impression that everything is under full control and that everything goes smoothly and efficiently. The fact is that everyone is the pilots of their own aircraft, and all from time to time faced turbulence during the flight.

It is important to know that everyone is pilots, and anyone is trying to create the impression that everything is under control. But in reality, each pilot will face some turbulence during its flights (his life). This is exactly what causes the U-shaped curve of the happiness curve. No need to think that it is unique in your fear, others also do not decide to show their alarm and anxiety to the public.

You just need to know that no one is alone in your experiences, and that many people around the world are faced with the same feelings of anxiety during the middle-aged crisis. Therefore, it is useful to tell you about your alarm to close people.

3. Do not compare yourself with a person who "must be"

It is very important. Some people spend their whole life, trying to justify the expectations of parents, peers, societies, etc. They work every day and eventually feel unhappy.

It is important to stop trying to justify the expectations that do not correspond to hobbies or life goals. Those. It is necessary to stop comparing yourself with a person who "must be", and start to be who you want to be.

4. Find out what you really want in life

The question "What do you want from life?" Very common, and usually the answer to it is variation or a combination of the following items:

- Success; - feel that you love you; - to have a positive effect; - luck.

It seems that it all makes sense, because who does not want to feel beloved or be successful. But it is worthwhile asking, and why I want it all happened in life. You can argue that everyone will come to answer: "I just want to be happy."

Obviously, all goals in our life exist only because there is reason to believe that you will be happy when you really reach them. However, many people do not understand what you need to be happy when you pursue these goals.

Life is too short to focus only on achieving happiness. You need to start to love what you are doing now, and not to continue only to work to "achieve" happiness.

5. Get out of the comfort zone

Usually, when a person finds itself in a difficult situation, without being able to return to his common life, he really recognizes who he and what he wants. It's really just when you think about it. But many spend their careers, just swim throughout. They do not doubt the choice that make themselves, or who are doing for them. They just nod and move in any direction where their managers, colleagues and friends want them to go. As a result, almost everyone reaches the phase, during which it discovers that what he did, is not what he wants to continue to do.

It is worth trying to take a step beyond your comfort zone and try what has never done before. For example, instead of focusing on your career, you can pay more time to a new hobby. And you can go to a multi-day trip.

6. Being thankful for what is already there

You need to think about what you have already achieved, and not about what you still want to do. It is important to realize that important has already been done and there is in the life of everyone. You need to think about your achievements, about people with whom you live, about the life that you have a positive effect. These are all the great things for which you need to be grateful. People are difficult to please. They are constantly looking for more, but do not appreciate what they have. This "greed" may be a serious obstacle to happiness.

The best advice will focus on good things that you make when you worry about your middle-aged crisis. At the same time, you should not forget that the pessimist sees negative or difficulties in every opportunity, while the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. This means that you need to concentrate on what is already there, instead of missing.

7. Take a diary

Many believe that diaries are intended only for little girls, but it is far from the case. Diary management allows you to find out quite a lot about yourself and makes it possible to better navigate in difficult times.

In the diary it is worth writing what you are worried about what is unhappy, which you want from life, how to achieve it.

Whenever you feel concern again, you can open your diary and add latest thoughts on this. Or you can re-read your old thoughts in order to better understand what causes anxiety.

8. Find Psychotherapy

Maybe this advice is many and did not expect to see here, but it is very simple. Therapy can help cope with anxiety during middle-aged crisis. Immediately it is worth a reservation - no need to be afraid to go to a psychotherapist. After all, there are no internal ban on visiting a regular doctor when you suffer from physical pain, so why worry about going to therapy because of emotional pain.

The most important thing is that you need to remember when you come across anxiety during the middle-aged crisis, it is known that no one is alone. Negative feelings that are experiencing, quite normal, and many other people are also experiencing them. Once again - you need to stop comparing yourself with whom I should have to find out what you really want from life, get out of the comfort zone for a while and try something else, focus on positive things and start a diary.

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