Why does self-esteem fall and how to raise it?


Why does self-esteem fall and how to raise it? 38545_1

We all live in society and very dependent on the opinions of the people who surround us. A pleasant compliment, said even in the most unknown morning, can raise the mood for the whole day, and a casual remark about the disadvantages of appearance can spoil not only the mood, but also lower our self-esteem.

Women's self-esteem - the phenomenon is very fragile. Psychologists believe that a woman to appreciate himself is unable. People who are near her form her self-esteem. If you are unhappy, constantly criticize and perceive yourself negatively, this is a serious reason to think and realize that the problem of low self-esteem exists. Taking a problem - the first step towards its successful solution. Realizing that your self-esteem fell, start acting. To begin with, review your closest surroundings.

A decent environment of a woman - a guarantee of her high self-esteem!

A woman must communicate only with those who love her. Friends, relatives, bosses, colleagues, neighbors, parents must love and respect the woman, admire her femininity, extensive, talent is best to cook or draw, sew or knit, create a cozy space or inspire men to feats. Under no circumstances a woman should communicate with those who criticizes it and, thus, lowers her self-esteem. It destroys. At the same time, the form of "critics" does not matter. Hints, ulcer comments, jokes or ironic aphorisms are all destructive for female self-esteem to the same extent.

No matter what kind of relationship the woman consists with a man who criticizes it, she will have to exclude it from the circle of communication. Neither the husband nor the employer nor the nearest girlfriend should not criticize and humiliate a woman. Nor word nor actions. You will have to part with everyone who lowers your self-esteem. Communicate only with those who love you! And you will notice very quickly how your attitude towards yourself has changed.

Let yourself be yourself!

Woman should listen to himself. If she wants to chat with girlfriends or eat a chocolate, you need to afford these little pleasures and do not sprinkle the head ashes for the aimlessly spent watches and extra kilograms. No matter what is your height and weight, eye color and age. It is important that you feel happy, and for this listen to your desires and raise yourself more often!

Care for yourself!

Beautiful woman gets a lot of compliments. She is noticed, she admire, it is put in an example. From this the mood increases, eyes are burning, kilograms melt and self-esteem increases. Of course, it is not worthwhile to scold for not in time a manicure or a 10-year-old dress, if you have a well-kept handle, and the dress sits perfectly, emphasizing the advantages of the figure.

Goodbye yourself!

Life consists of large and small joys, chagrins and discoveries. Sometimes freely or involuntarily, we are offended by loved ones, we give promises that we cannot fulfill, be afar of an important meeting, forget to call parents. Our loved ones do not always get the necessary support, love, care. Realizing misses, we are ready to criticize themselves and experience the deepest sense of guilt, which destroys our psyche and lowers self-esteem. So that it happens, whatever the mistake you do not make sure yourself. Goodbye yourself for everything! Believe with understanding to your miss, approve yourself daily and every minute. And find the reason why it happened. Perhaps you are exhausted and you just do not have enough energy?

Copy energy!

Every woman is perfect from birth. It is full of energy, which must be enough for everyone: on family, children, girlfriends, hobbies. If the energies are not enough, most likely, failed and the woman feels unhappy and unworthy. To get out of the crisis and raise self-esteem, you need to find your strengths. Write 20 of your positive qualities and re-read the list daily, caught with its new qualities. Open your talents in drawing, singing, sewing, knitting, psychology, travel. Find what you do better than others, and improve it. Find a worthy teacher in the sphere that is close to you and interesting. Having draws knowledge, show them and grow spiritually. As soon as you see that in something very talented, you will stop sanging yourself and will be proud of themselves.

Look for like-minded people!

If you are passionate about something, find those who share your passion. People with whom can be engaged in one activity are able to inspire and give positive energy. They can learn new knowledge, interesting ideas, various ways to implement them. Being in a friendly environment, you will feel very comfortable. And, of course, self-esteem will grow!

Ask for help and help others!

If you need help, support or in someone's knowledge and experience, do not hesitate to ask. Very often women do not get the desired only because they cannot ask. No one can telepathically learn about your needs, if you do not tell about them. And even if you are not always able to give assistance, it is not scary. If you refused, just ask the same asking for someone else. In the world, thousands of people who are ready to help you. You just turned not to that man. And vice versa, if someone requested, which will not be difficult for you, perform it. Alien Gratitude will add you a plus card in Karma and at the right time will return a pleasant bonus.


So that neither happens, smile and release the situation, a person, lost wallet with a huge amount of money. Nothing is worth your tears. Remember that, even smiling purely mechanically, you send a brain signal, which is happy. The brain flashes the body that you are happy, and now you are already starting to smile sincerely, wide and truly!

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