12 questions that are worth setting on the first date


12 questions that are worth setting on the first date 38544_1

Quite difficult questions for the first date. After all, on the one hand, I do not want to hurt a person and spoil a date, but on the other hand, you need to learn about a person before deciding whether to continue.

Thus, ask questions on the first date is simply necessary. Yes, the stage "acquaintance with each other" is sometimes the most romantic part of the relationship, but it is worth knowing whether a person was married, etc. So, what should I ask.

1. Have you studied at the university?

Many people have quite a successful life and without higher education. However, the question of whether they came to the university or not, can help find out that both in common before the first date.

2. Do you like to walk a lot?

The question of whether a person like a lot to walk a lot, helps to determine whether he is a domical or vice versa. It can also help decide where to go on the first date.

3. What qualities are you looking for in a partner?

Is someone seeking compassion, honesty, dedication or sympathy, knowledge of what qualities he wants in his "half" is very significant. It also allows you to find out which attributes are most important for this person.

4. Do you have a car?

If someone lives not in the city, where it is easy to get anywhere in public transport, then the movement without a car will be very difficult. Anxiety about whether the couple can see or not because of the problems with transport may be unpleasant.

5. Do you smoke / weigh?

Smoking Cigarette or Weiping can annoy a new partner. Even before starting relationships, a good idea will inform Pasia about any bad habits.

6. Do you live yourself?

Naturally, it is clear that after the university, some people return to live with their parents, and the housing is very expensive. Nevertheless, live with parents after 30 years is not the best option.

7. How long have you been alone?

Ask how long another person was lonely, this is a good way to find out if he recovered from previous relations. Everyone needs time to mentally and emotionally recover from parting.

8. Do you have any debts?

As soon as anyone marries, the "halves" debts can become its debts. Before you start a relationship, it is useful to know what other person has the habit of spending money. It should be borne in mind that debt on student loans differs from the maximum use of several credit cards.

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

If the goals do not match, this is not the end of the world at all. However, it is important to make sure that both are close in spirit and at least there are similar life goals.

10. What do you want from these relationships

Someone is just looking for a summer incinement. Others are looking for their soul mate. It is always worth learn what the true intentions of other people. If you ask what another person wants from relationships on the first date, it can get rid of pain in the future.

11. Do you have children?

Some people are just not ready to be parents. Therefore, naturally, this is one of the most necessary issues that need to be set on the first date.

12. Have you ever been married / married?

Maybe it was a reconcile marriage after school or an attempt to get Greencart. In any case, knowledge of this will help to navigate in the past Passia and understand where the relationship can go in the future.

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