4 Indian Spices for Women's Health


4 Indian Spices for Women's Health 38541_1
Preparation of dishes is rarely without the use of spices. Few women know that spices can have a positive effect on the health of the entire body and it will be a noticeable idea of ​​the face of the face and body. There are several Indian spices, when consumed which one can regularly achieve such an effect.

Extension of youth with carnation

Indian carnation is an attractive flower that has learned from long use not only in decorative purposes. The cloves of the cloves are a spice that is used actively in cooking, and also found a place in medicine. Women and girls love this spice, since with her help you can extend the youth, to preserve your beauty for a longer period. Infusions from such an Indian spice have a beneficial effect on the female sexual system.

Female Health Saffron

Saffron refers to the number of very expensive spices. Many know about it, but not everyone knows what he represents. In fact, it is dried flower stamens, which refers to the family of crocus. In ancient times, people have noticed that such a spice has a beneficial effect on women having problems with the sexual system, helps to recover after various diseases.

Many women and girls in critical days are experiencing unpleasant and often painful sensations. Sometimes it is necessary to even use painkillers drugs that are not the best solution. Get rid of unpleasant sensations will help infusion with saffron, it is a more useful, natural agent.

Cinnamon for weight loss

Many may seem amazing, but in reality, cinnamon should enter the diet to women and girls who are unhappy with their weight and wish to get rid of extra kilograms, without having to torment themselves constantly diet and even more so to go to the operating table. The main feature of this Indian spice lies in its ability to improve metabolism. With such a special, the body allocates the maximum amount of useful products from food, a sense of saturation comes even from a small portion. Since the size of the portion will decrease, it will help reduce weight. It is worth paying attention to the fact that cinnamon also has other useful qualities. For example, it can normalize blood pressure, neutralize harmful cholesterol, reduce the elevated blood sugar level.

Specialists determined that cinnamon is an excellent antiseptic and can be taken as a medicine. With this spice, you can overcome problems with the intestines, if the cause of their occurrence is an increased volume of pathogenic microflora. In this case, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of dry powder on an empty stomach.

It is not always necessary to take cinnamon inside. It turns out beautiful masks that can be applied to face and hair. To reconcile your hair, make them shiny enough will have just a couple of procedures with such a mask. If you wish, it can be even somewhat brightened hair.

Use of Zira

This is a fairly common Indian spice, which is known to many by a different name - Tmin. It is recommended to introduce into the diet to all representatives of the weak gender, since Zira helps the body is freed from slags and toxins, prevents meteorism, bloating and colic. This is also an excellent tonic. From it you can make drinks that will give a powerful charge of cheerfulness and enough for all day. This Indian spice is useful for nursing women, as it significantly increases the amount of milk.

Cumin and for external use, and more precisely, its oil in which in large quantities contain fatty acids, vitamins A and E. It can be used to improve the condition of the skin of the body and face, as well as the antiseptic in the fight against allergic dermatitis, fungal diseases , acne.

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