How to get rid of the complex


Complex of the feature, he is a perfectionism - a terrible thing. Because it is impossible to get rid of it. To get rid of it, you need a simple and understandable manual. Perfect manual. And no one wrote him so far, so bad luck. And how, it is asked, stop being an excellent, if no one puts the top five for efforts, eh?

And we also do not put. We want to tell you that the complex of the feature is not your complex. It's just that you inside sits a small perfect girl. The monster devouring your life. But we know how to deal with him. Well, not five with a plus, of course. And so - on the four.

Find the feed base of your excellent

Excellent - it's not you. This is a little girl with bowls on the head. The girl, who in the morning let go to walk in a white dress, and who came home in the evening, and on the dress - not a spin. We want to say that your complex of distress, most likely a gift of parents. Ruging on the fours? Forced gamma to play 4 hours? Required accuracy and prettiness, because you are a girl?

Well, here's the result - get, lay down. A small monster with the bows lives in you so far, only now you feed it yourself, without parental care. You know, it sounds stupid, but helps: imagine this cute monster - with his straight back, with neat pigtails, with ideal notebooks, with dolls, sprinkled by growth. And give him a good mental kick. Just to pull steam.

Shut up it immediately

The problem of perfectionist is not really that he tries to do everything perfect. The problem of the perfectionist is that he thinks too much about how to do everything perfect. You will have to catch yourself by the hand at this moment, otherwise nothing will work. As soon as you understand that again, the inner monologue began in the spirit of "Warwood, it is necessary to cook a booze, and it is written only on the bone, and I have no meat on the bone, you have to dress and go to the store ...", stand up and pour water in the pan. And start cleaning potatoes.

You need to start acting, and then the little monster will slam down completely independently, you will not even notice how it happens. Your task is to start doing something before his squeaky voice will take full force. It is difficult, but only at first.

She's weak

Smacks hentham, yeah? Well, so it is - the baby lures you daily, and you only turn the most gentle places. And do not say that it is not familiar to you. But what about the eternal "I could do better"? It's almost impossible to stop experiencing a false shame for the already deed, right? Here it was possible to fix it and would be perfect. And so - not perfect! Get up to the post and get your twenty weaves. Terrible, right?

It is very difficult to eradicate the habit of self-vaccination - but you can. As soon as you fit once again to arrange a session of autoDomazo - take a notebook and write down your mistakes. Well, or what you consider mistakes. Write, analyze, promise yourself to do so more. And calm down on it. And when you will do it again, open the notebook and cross out those items that they repeated. If you come to the same rake every time - maybe it's not a rake at all? Or is the option too - without hitting the forehead, your business does not argue. Normal such practice, by the way, the national fun even.

Forbid to Want

Oh, how she loves it! As soon as you are going to do something that I never did, an excellent man whispering to you about what is not worth it, if you can't do five with a plus. And that is why you accountant, although always dreamed of being an artist. But you, firstly, did not have the best paints in the world, and secondly, you could not immediately write a canvas, for which collectors would be built in the queue. Well, starting to start, once the talent is not, right?

The secret is that the predictions of your little monster as true as a weekly horoscope in the newspaper "Bulletin Perdukukyev". The monster is unable to predict how soon you will boil the kettle, and go there - in clairvoyant climb. Stop this inner battle of psychics - you can't know what you have talent. Just because talent is a 10% gift and 90% of the time spent on the Pope sitting. For easel. So you are at least 10% of these ninety, and then talk on the subject of how much gift to you by the Heavenly Office is omitted. And Wanta is home-grown let him dock, he wants - you don't have to listen to her.

And dream of banning

Your inner feature is still October. Boldly add to her image another nasty - white apron crissed from starch. Yes, even if you are 25 years old and in October, you did not take you, your little monster Istivo believes in the case of Lenin's grandfather. "The whole world of Nasili we destroy before the foundation, and then we are our, we will build a new world ..." This is the most "destroying before the foundation" is its idea-fix. And here for 10 years you can not cross the wallpaper. And what to glue them if the wiring was put in those years when in October and took another time? It is necessary to change the wiring first. And align the walls. And generally speaking…

And in the end, all your dreams are buried under the vulture of "Start with a blank sheet". It is impossible to just take and buy a ticket to the sea - you haven't lost weight, Ay-Yai-Yai. Familiar? So here - you are not dreaming. Just go and buy a roll of wallpaper. Or a ticket. Just buy. Then you will understand the way.

Burry her with honors

If you did everything right, your little monster has a little weakened. Oh, no, we are not going to confin the fact that it is when death. Do not wait! You still have to attribute your blood money to psychotherapists. Do you remember the episode of the "Desperate Housewives", in which Brie the whole session could not take a look from the doctor's buttons, who hung on snot? Bree, by the way, the perfectionism was cured - that is, entered the stage of remission. But not with the help of psychotherapy, but by alcoholism. So better buy yourself a bottle of wine.

No, really. Buy a bottle of wine, drink and mentally borony this little bastard. It is not necessary to kill it - tortured to invent enough beautiful death. We will come down on the fact that she poisoned iron suppressed. So, buy her the most beautiful wreath in the world and come up with a tombstone, from which even stones are broken. Let's drink to the soul of a little monster. And when it comes again (and it will come) - the shares of it on the aspen count. And then you can already listen to what the Gyrics in the bows are scribets. Maybe a similar something. For example, that it is time to stop reading PICS and finish already work. She already agrees with what you do not work perfect, you hear? Congratulations.

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