8 peculiarities of the behavior of happy couples in social networks


All happy couples are equally equally, it announced once lion thick. And there was something right. At the very least, the common features of the behavior of happy couples in social networks exist. We counted them eight.

They do not follow their own and other people's former


They have no reason to believe that the partner certainly strives to return to his previous passion, and not very interesting, is the personal life of the left guy and left the girl who left the guy. Just because they feel that they are with the current beloved or beloved on the same wavelength, and the current emotional involvement in the relationship does not leave space for emotions about the former. Is that those emotions when you remember how he cheated at once exactly half of the property, including 12 dumplings and pillowcase, or how she broke your favorite cup with anger.

They do not fight each other once over


That is, "We traveled to Minsk and Vilnius, I go to Minsk and Vilnius, here we find the way after trying to cut it" - this is normal. But to detect myself wagoned in the manner "I and @ Violetta", "we are with @ Violetta love to listen to French musicals, here's ary couple" - a little already strange and looks like you will ride. And this usually occurs at two samples: some uncertainty in relations in general or the abuser to control the partner. It is also a sign of great happiness and mutual love.

They do not report to each other passwords


And do not give them. They do not need an unnecessary invasion of personal space and in total refusal of their own personal borders. They have enough of that admission, which is assumed to have sex, hugs and sincere conversations. Poor awareness of their own and other people's borders is generally a sign and one of the reasons for the inability to build healthy relationships.

On their avatars only personal portraits, and not pair


In addition, maybe a short period of Euphoria from the fact that after five years of loneliness someone has been found, or from the wedding. The desire to speak under the common avatar - only on behalf of "We" - this is again about personal boundaries and control. It is not surprising that they particularly often change the avatar to the general those users who feel with despair, as the relationship fall apart, and they try to make such a magic of symbols, whether to deny what is happening. And soon we see the change in the status on "free" or "everything is difficult."

Their friends lists are not identical


Everyone may well have their own circle of communication, which intersects with a circle of partner communication by a couple or a pair of dozens of names. And the requirement to swell all unknown guys and girls is, forgive, anecdotal. If a person wants to felt on the side, he still will do it. And if everything is well in the relationship, it does not want. And even more so to check the other for communicating with potential lovers and mistresses will not come to mind.

They do not hide each other posts


Yes, they have disagreements on ideological issues - maybe. But they respect each other enough to avoid scandals it was not necessary to put filters of access to posts, where she finally wanted to speak.

They are lying dry and rep


Not fundamentally, but simply because they often like the same jokes, and some of their interests coincides. And yes, they are interesting to each other enough to read the wall with each other and do not exclude the records of the partner from their tape.

They don't complain about each other


Not because "a shame dirty underwear to endure." And not because they never quarrel. And because they do not feel uncontrolled the situation so much that I want to ask for help from the public - at least in trying the aggressor. And because they do not want to humiliate each other, telling about the promahs of the partner to the whole world. Of course, we are not talking about the bikes about ridiculous cases told correctly and laid out with the consent of the second party.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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