Things that every woman makes (although not to do)


There are things that a woman will definitely do with her man, whether she is smart, kind or even experienced, married the fourth time. She herself had already swear, that she didn't want to do this, but alas - their hands themselves fold into characteristic gestures, the lips fold with the tube, and the letters add up to words.


She will read your SMS. And mail. And Facebook Chats. No, she knows what to do this a) can not, b) do not need. But at the same time, in the case of what will say "and there is nothing to scatter the phone everywhere." Or "And you have a laptop open." The Arab poets folded the poems about female curiosity, the Russian people came up with a self-proverb about him. And since then nothing has changed.


An experienced marriage can recognize it from the first minute. The girl was offended, but he tries to hide it, or suppress it in himself. It is no easier to stop the vomit in the case of acute alcohol poisoning, so sooner or later she will still explode. It is necessary to help her and either to get out of her, that she does not like, or provoke a scandal, carefully hold it through the peak of a quarrel and then make up. The best way to scatter an inflated woman is not to pay attention to it and do your own business. And we do not advise. For fraught.


Women are actually just as often prone to domestic violence, how many men are simply believed that they can cause less harm. Nevertheless, if a bowl with dumplings never arrived at you, the rod did not walk on your shovels and the nails did not leave long furrows on your cheeks - then you are counting, and did not live. The women of this are ashamed, in fact, but nothing can do with them, and public opinion is almost always on their side.

Care at night barefoot in the snow

You so hurt her so much that she got up, opened the door and went overnight. Run gone. Losing slippers. Each woman at least once in his life left home on the night in some slippers. In a good way, they need to catch and lock them at this time, because unpleasant adventures happen to such girls. But then there will be a bowl with dumplings, and why do we need it?

Departure to mom

Not just to go on the night in slippers, but put on boots, collect things and go to the father's house, so that there is a warm bridge, crying with proudly raised head. There are, however, completely ruthless mothers, who picky such daughters with legs to the head, check for bodily injuries, and, if there are no such, they are sent to deal with the abuser. But such cases are rare. Usually, moms act on the principle of "Krovindochka mine offend". And this, by the way, the least dangerous situation: women usually annoy their mother no later than on the third day of the visit, and during this time you can perfectly affect - cooking, quiet games, alcoholic intoxication, that's all.

Forced dressing up

Each woman believes that his beloved dress up like a bammer, and it should be changed. Even if the wardrobe is nicely clogged with thousand-legist jackets, he still has something that the girl is ashamed. And it is necessary to immediately throw out, and instead to buy this nice Hoodie with a dog. And what's wrong with that, tell me? Well, first, have you seen women who had a good taste in clothes?


Women love order. More precisely, they say that they love order. Especially they love to restore the order where it is not necessary. For example, on the table of your husband. Well, well, that at least on the box with tools and other valuable nails we hung a big barn castle. In general, the girls need to read the biography of Marshal Zhilles de Repe, known as a blue beard, and explain that if you say "Won in that room do not come," then you don't need to go there. At all. At all. Never. No, it is not necessary for a minute. And only one eye is not necessary, and then you can accidentally stay without an eye.

Your former

After all, you had former, right? And you to her, well, let's say very well. And then broke up. And most likely, this story has ended for you, well, or just became part of a biography, like a bottle of vodka or alloy on an ice karel river stolen in his youth. And so you told about it with my current one. And suddenly it turned out that this bat Baba is the main enemy of your paradise. And my dear one really hates. Now in every small scandal and disagreement you will be asked to go to this Tsation or how it is there. And it is impossible to do anything about it, because the conversation will continue to leave the barefoot in the snow. Now, if the former at the moment was treated from heroin addiction, being a mother of five children, it would probably facilitate the situation a little. But not a fact.

Your sobriety

Women are always early or late begin to limit your alcohol consumption. Even if you are almost a sober, and the spouse drinks like a boatswain, she still says "hey, well, you already have enough!" This law is such, like the ruler of the Braschik. The main thing is to be nice at this moment on the legs.

Her girlfriends

Girls are discussing a man with girlfriends, as well as with random familiar, colleagues, fries in social networks and fellow travelers. Tell me about what he has 1989 manufactured with symbols of construction worker, a funny habit of bursting under a blanket, malicious former and passion for hockey. But these are still Polbie: while the man does not know about it, it's no matter how. But especially shameless ladies share the greatest details about their husband right in his presence. Yes, yes, they tell about its shirt of 1989 production with symbols of construction engineer, a funny habit of bursting under a blanket, malicious former and passion for hockey. And at this nice, at the same time, the poker fifoxy is small cracks. Well, girls, well, as it is possible at all, eh?

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