Men's idiot kitchen: slippery way of compromise


As you may have already understood, the main ideological foundations of the male idiot kitchen are the speed of preparation primarily, and in the second - dense nasty food.

Lentils - Queen fields. Meat, which is the best fish. Chicken, which is generally the easiest product needed in each kitchen. Swords (in the best sense of the word) meat: duck and lamb. The carnivorous joy of life in twenty minutes with one pan, a pepper mill and culinary tweezers. But sometimes you have to make compromises. Then a vegetarian friend will come to visit, then, for example, Ideas will come with a cute head. The last idea was a delicious and healthy fried octopus salad. He had to give a young family of +50 to health, +40 to sexuality (sea shoes are considered to be aphrodisiacs) and +25 to fusion. Well, that is, it is clear that the lamb of the kidneys of all fashionable octopuses, but a joint life is simultaneously a slippery and thorny path of compromise, in which it is always inferior. In short, we had a shelter of ice cream octopus, Polkachana iceberg salad, packaging celery stalks and cherry tomato bag - Ladies' fingers. Octopuses were piled on a rather hot frying pan (after which the fire was removed to "just below average") and roasted. The main thing is not to remember, because seafood can become rubber from excess heat treatment. But octopuses - and not squid, there will not cost 45 seconds. In short, it was the most nervous part of cooking - all the time poke into the larvae of the ancient gods of the sea with a scope and try to understand, they are ready or not. Just lucky - they were perfectly soft, erotic and unbearably smelled sea water. Then it remained only to cut the iceberg (the most sneous vegetable, by the way; during cooking - it's absolutely tasteless, it is impossible to pieces, and in the ready-witted dish - just excellent), in the finished dish - just excellent), in the finished dish - just excellent), to abolish every tomato, to seize celery stalks and dismantle the octopuses. You can experiment with refueling. The easiest option is the olive oil of the straight press, fresh-grinding black pepper and salt. It is possible to add citric juice (although tomatoes and so moderate acid). You can experiment with mustard sauce, but also the time cooking is close to critical, so that let girls do. Immediately it became clear that two mistakes were made. First, celery should be quite a bit. If you cut two stems, the taste of celery scores the iodide charm of octopuses, and the delicacy of the wasyberg. Probably, without him, it would be possible to do at all. And secondly, it is not a meal, it is a snack, first dish. If you have a sweetheart that half the salad buckets are enough for dinner - do not believe. After a fashionable erotic dinner, you still will still get up to the refrigerator.

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