Gaslighting. How manipulators drive you crazy


The term gaslight appeared thanks to the "GASLIGHT" thrill. According to the story of the hero of the film, the jewels of his wife stuck and hid them in the attic. When he brought light in the attic, it became a little darker in the house (pressure fell in the rest of the lamps). The heroine was perplexed, and her beloved spouse responded that she had problems with the psyche, and the lighting is normal. As a result, the woman believed in his own madness. After all, I convinced her the closest man.

The worst thing in Gazlating is the confidence of the victim of the executioner. He may not be right. He can't lie. He is smarter. On this and plays a gaslight. In your doubts and insecurity in yourself and on our own "super competence". Parents, spouses, partners, bosses and friends - they can all be the jailers of your ego and the killers of your future. Looking around and listen - suddenly there is someone next to you, who constantly twisted gas lamps?

Gaslight forces you to doubt your memory

"When did I promise? Not! You confuse something. " "What is the meeting? Yes, there was no meeting. Now look - I'm not recorded. You, my friend, sclerosis. "Did we negotiated something? Eh. Would you go to a neurologist. " Gaslight can talk this with a smile or concern, but his conviction is that it is not His - your memory made a failure makes you nervous. You can remember all the details, but the Gaslight is so assertive that you at some point you start to doubt. And was there a boy? What if it really confused? What if it really sclerosis? This gaslight is achieved.

Gaslight regularly makes you doubt your emotional stability

Anyone your problem depreciates them with the Admut of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences "You're exaggerating again. This is due to your depression inadequate reactions. " "Your eternal paranoid will fail. You are too minor. " "Cute, you again nervous. Popi antidepressants. " Gaslight is calm, affectionate and behaves with you, as with mentally ill, and you think: "He is visible. Probably one should listen and allow others to solve all important questions to other people. " Gaslight satisfied.

Gaslight forever presents you intellectually weak

"Listen. People study this years. Where are you climbing with your snacking diploma? Better silent - do not disgrace. " "Are you sure that you have enough knowledge and you want to do this? Maybe you do not need to jump above the head "? "Well, I don't know what you read there and taught, but this is not good anywhere. Progress went far ahead. " It is worth making at least a chamber aside, but just to put the leg - the Gaslight immediately makes you doubt that you are smart enough, erudite and promotion. He knows exactly that you are not sure of yourself and skillfully uses your doubts against you yourself. Sit and do not worry - the Gaslayra suits it.

Agender, physical incompetence - three favorite skates Gasladira

"You can't understand that for women / men. You are different arranged "! "You are too small / old in order to cope - do not go where it is not supposed." "Well, look at yourself, where are you with your health"? "We will be honest, you will not call you a beauty, so you don't need to wear a dress above the knee." As a result, whether you even seven spans in the forehead, scythery in the shoulders, with the appearance of the Greek goddess and from IQ five times higher than that of Aristotle, you somehow cease to trust yourself and begin to consider yourself zero without a stick. In the end, they become.

Gaslight convinces you in your absolute asocialism. Your socialization attempts are declared meaningless in advance

"Only I can endure you - you yourself know that you are an eccentric." "You are strange. I still cope, and it is impossible to communicate with ordinary people. " "Mdaa. No one else is talking about it - it may be incorrect to understand. " Gaslight does everything so that you begin to consider yourself a sociophobe and marginal, and the rest of the people are enemies. It is not difficult if you are a person with unusual hobbies and do not know how to look for like-minded people. It's quite easy if the Gaslight drives you a couple of places where you feel not in your plate. Everything! You are on the hook. You are sure that there is no one in this world who accepted you and loved ... In addition to your tormentor, of course.

Gaslight often appeals to genetics, depreciating your individuality

"Well, what do you want? You had alcoholics in the nature. " "Careful. I heard your rosium pragabka suffered from schizophrenia. " "So you have no choice from relatives." It is difficult to argue, yes you can't. Because you should call you that all people are different, Gazlight says "Listen. But your Prababka, too, was the same bit. You're sure in it. " With such a pressure in the forty you grow up, in forty-five, you singly, and then as lucky.

What if you are the victim of the Gasladira?

It is unlikely that gaslight can be really to bring to the hospital, but neurosis is guaranteed. And here psychotherapists and sociologists advise different things. From "talk to the abuser for souls" to "change with him roles". They also advise in any case not doubting themselves, do not pick up in mind, trying to restore events, do not justify and not look for reason. They advise to go to a professional that it is he, and not home-grown "psychoanalyst" raised the diagnosis, if any. They advise to go ahead, without looking at the permanent attempts of the Gaslatar to put your sticks in the wheels. And even advise, gain courage and as soon as possible to part with those who turn your life into a nightmare.

And then around you will be light.

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