Good night, children! 12 ways to fall asleep


Stress, bad ecology, unhealthy food - all this can cause insomnia or, according to scientific, insomnia. But, as you know, sleep is the best medicine and one of the key recovery processes in the body, therefore, especially for you, collected a dozen ways to quickly and highly fall asleep. Get on health!

Many Adepts of Folk Medicine (may strength be with them) got off from the legs, inventing various combinations of herbs and tools for sleep. Here you and lavender bags, and honey pads and tea with a Chinese lemongrass. If you do not believe in plants, flowers and other homeopathy, then our ways are for you for you. Only science, only hardcore!


Sex generally all head. After sex, firstly, the whole body and brain relax perfectly well, and secondly, the amount of dopamine in the blood increases significantly, which contributes to the feeling of deep peace of mind and peace. You lie, you are all satisfied, and your hands and feet poured in weight, the eyes closes, and you fall asleep ... you fall asleep ... if there is no object of lust at hand, the vibrator will also fit. Of course, he will not replace living human warmth, but the orgasm itself is also a very pleasant thing that contributes to pacification.

Warm shower

Water is mocking with you dirt all the concerns of the day, refresh and relax. And if you still take your favorite shower gel with a pleasant unaware smell, then you will be very happy. Just follow the shower to be warm, or, as an option, cool: too hot can dispersed the blood system, which you still do not need to do so. Naturopaths strongly recommend even tipping a glass of milk with honey, but we remember that it is a rare nastiness, so we leave on your discretion.

Method of special services

The agents of the special services in the company with psychiatric masters and neurologists found out that the best pose for falling asleep: lie on the back, relax as much as possible, legs on the width of the shoulders. Next, it is necessary to open the mouth slightly, close the eyes and allow them to roll under the closed centuries - the feeling should be as if you look up with eyes closed. The description sounds strange, then you will succeed: scientists argue that in such a pose a man falls asleep on average for 3-5 minutes, because it is the most natural.

Carry the bedroom

The more air in the bedroom, the more oxygen, and the more oxygen - the deeper and the breathing becomes, the time is our blood, the easier to sleep. In addition, Triple is pleasantly wrapped in a nest from the blanket or clinging to the warm side of a person near and sweet snaps when the outside is cool. The main thing is not to turn a room for sleeping in the glacier - 5-7 minutes of open windows more than enough. In degrees should be about 20-22 Celsius.

No sport!

Training it is better to complete a couple of hours before laying into bed, and better and at all for 3-4. The fact is that when you load the body, the brain automatically perceives this situation as stressful and throws the corresponding hormones into the blood: adrenaline and cortisol. This sport is only good, but it hurts to SNU. Maximum that you can afford - a 10-15-minute stretching in a very calm tempo, without records and accomplishments.

Do not eat

Running for the night - the last thing. The stomach is full and forced to digest food, which does not contribute to a good sleep, the brain is controlling all this business and is also in an excited state, in addition, the severity in the stomach makes it constantly stroll, trying to get comfortably and is not very pleasant. If a dream is not a dream on an empty stomach, eat or drink something easy: degreased kefir, cottage cheese or banana, who, by the way, contributes to the production of hormone sleep melatonin.

Do not drink

Some alcohol fans calculate their own sleepy dose, after accepting which it is possible to move to sleep without effort. Method, how to say, failure. As you know, the sleep of an alcoholic is a bit and underworld, the products of the decomposition of ethanol, accumulating in the body withdrawing system, because of which you want to drink, then pee the feature of the bald. Alcohol also contributes to respiratory impairment, which can cause snoring and oxygen fasting, thanks to which you wake up broken and with a sore head. You can drink at dinner (a little!), But immediately before bedtime - neither!

Breathe uniform

If you are too lazy to walk in bed in a shower, bother with food or all sorts of banana, then try to at least lie down, close your eyes and breathe like yogi - deep and measured. Inhale the nose and exhale mouth for 4 slow bills. Your blood will faster will be saturated with oxygen, and in general, calm will come. You can still think about something extremely pleasant: for example, how do you get an Oscar, perform in the Kremlin or romantically dinner with some Tom Hiddleston, who swear in eternal love.

White noise

In big cities, there is no child, no night: constantly something is boring, drilled, shifted asphalt, the wipers are generally terrible people who begin to scrub the tracks under your window of the clock from 4 am. In this case there are special applications for a smartphone or even simply audio recordings with the so-called "white noise" that dries outsiders. This can be anything: the sounds of nature, the sound of the non-operating television program or the fan or air conditioner is included. Do not overdo it: the allowable sound volume limit is not more than 50 dB. For comparison - our ordinary speech has the volume of 50-60db.

Stay behind lighting

First of all, there must be quite dense curtains in the bedroom, which do not miss light lights, cars, and in the early morning - sunlight, which can wake. In addition, try to get rid of any light sources within visibility: electronic hours, indicators of video equipment, computers and phones (especially flashing - scary annoying!). It is best to sleep in full dark. If you are afraid - you can leave a soft non-latched muffled light in the next room.

Change mattresses

This is a cardinal method for the most bold! But if you regularly wake up broken, with a sore head and scob in the muscles, although there is a pleasant temperature in the bedroom, there is no light, there are white noise and all the conditions for great sleep are created, we have two options. The first - you have a flu begins, it means you to a doctor. The second one is not suitable for your mattress, it is too soft, too tough or at all is a grandmother's folding sofa with elegant springs older than you twice. So, you in a specialized store - choose with addiction! We warn you: the pleasure is not cheap, but the Christmas trees, in bed, we spend a third of life (not counting sex), really you can not afford to afford the highest class?

Do not worry

The first step towards sleep disorder is to worry about sleep disorder. For real pathology, it is necessary to regularly become insomnia (at least 3 times a week) throughout at least a couple of months. If less is nothing to worry about. You, in the end, a girl with a thin spiritual organization, which affects the phases of the moon, tides, fifth and the position of Sagittarius in relation to the Virgin in the fifth house, can sometimes afford the quirks and oddities. So do not worry, and you will be happy. Everything passes, we are all mortal, so worry, in essence, nothing about. Goodnight!

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