18 lifehams to relieve life


Perhaps somewhere there are such special magic women who love cleaning. Basically, such women live in the worldwide Internet and can spoil your comment for a week: "And I even calm the carpet cleaning." An ordinary average working woman harvesting hates all the fibers of the soul and dreams of minimizing their costs without the loss of efficiency.

1. Call clining service. Once every six months - you can't break, especially if you count how much money we merge on any nonsense. And here we will come strange people who will be removed and will not arrange a scandal on the topic: "Cleaning is a female thing." On time caused by the clining service saves families, psyche and reduces entropy. The rest of the time act on the proverb "How much of that winter". 2. Use armor-piercing detergents, and regularly. Then the formula "poured - waited a minute - washed away." It will not be necessary to add the term "rubbed with a cloth, a sponge, a metal mesh and cursed everything in the world." And about ten ways to make your life ecologically, we will talk another time. 3. Stop frying food. Use the baking sleeve, under it lay foil sheet. So you will kill (and eat without harm for the waist) two hares: you don't have to drag the frying pan and the stove will remain clean.
4. Foil! If you neglect the third point, before frying something, stuck the plate with two foil sheets. Fuck - removed foil - smiled at a clean plate. 5. Wet walls around the gas stove and make food films to them. It sticks out, protecting the tile from splashes, fat and soot. All you will have to periodically change the film to the new one. And smile clean walls (smile with clean surfaces, if you believe the Internet, - the favorite occupation of women who calm the cleaning of carpets). 6. Emissions of ten things. Tomorrow I will throw out ten more things. The day after tomorrow - ten more. Do not ask questions. Just find every day 10 things for emissions.
7. Let's take a Christmas tree! Right now, already January ends. You will read later. Although ... January ends, it means to hand to the summer, and there is not far away. Do not throw away! 8. Buy a plastic cap for dishes in the microwave. Choose the plate every time you warm or cook. Forget about the tedious washing the microwave from the inside. 9. Instead of clever vegetables and fruits in the sink, clean them into colander Standing in the sink. After cleaning, the contents of the cochlable in the trash can.
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10. Crawd Cat. In a good way, it was necessary to make two months ago. But now it's not too late. Googling "Singing cats" and calling a specialist. No, this is not a mockery of animals. Yes, it is an easy way to get rid of nourishing wool all over the apartment. Yes, thousands of people do. And - yes, your long-haired beauty in a condensed form will also be very beautiful. 11. Cast Multicooker. Crushing out of the memory this is "And in a slow cooker it does not work so tasty, like in a wok / cast-iron bowler / fryer roaster / copper basin," give up an excess handbag and pretty. After a week, she gave her the status of the "main pet". 12. Order colleagues as a gift on your birthday robot vacuum cleaner. A week after a birthday, I slide a multicooker with a pedestal of the "main pet".
13. Stop ironing bed linen and jeans. And in general, translate the verb "iron" exclusively into the semantic field of petting. 14. Go to the store and buy yourself yogurt. You will come home - throw out the yogurtite. Well, or give a girlfriend, which calms the cleaning of carpets. I give her a greasy mushroom, yeast mushroom and tea mushroom. Let it be comprehended by Zen, causing these pets and recycling their livelihoods. 15. Moi Rag for wiping dust air conditioning for linen. Dust will twice the shelves half the shelves, and you are twice as much as you wipe it.
16. Write in Facebook that you hate figurines, soft toys, vases and other dust collectors. Ensure that all your friends have understood that these items can not give you. Be sequentially: distribute all the "dust accumulation devices" neighbors, which will find in the house (you can rightly with dust). 17. Hold the sink clean. According to the Guru of "Flying Housewives Fly Lady, it will miraculously change your whole life. We did not check - but suddenly it will help you. 18. Prevent her husband and adult children. Tell them that cleaning is now - their duty. Let their lifehaks come up with.

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