9 terrible facts about pools that you better not know


Russia is a huge country, and the sea is not really the fact that in some Spain or in Cyprus. But in the summer of people still pulls closer to the water, and for the town-dweller, the nearest reservoir is a pool. Want to spank along the track - your business, but still think twice.

Each summer in public swimming pools floats 89 million people


Many people in a very limited volume of water. And so all summer, because the pool is not a bath, the water is not changed there daily. A good start for bacteria, even if the pool is careful as it should.

Each fifth urinates in the pool

At the very least, with different polls, about 20% of people honestly admitted. It is clear that children who are generally inflamed, did not participate in these studies.

Pot, oil, dirt, skin fat, different bodily highlights - all this in the pool


Even if everyone takes a shower before swimming. First, it is not a fact that everyone is clean carefully. Secondly, there is no guarantee that someone has not guessed a small need for water. Thirdly, no matter how you are, but still do not wash everything. You would not drink water from someone else's bath - so think three times before opening your mouth in the pool.

Chlorine does not kill all living things

To be exactly confident that chlorine is enough in the pool to kill all microbes, its content must be checked every few hours. And adjust. What, of course, do not do in all pools. Some substances that are contained in tanning creams and hair products can neutralize chlorine. Urine, by the way, too.

In addition, someone feels in chlorinated water at all are not bad. For example, cryptosporidy, microscopic parasites, which cause intestinal disorders, fever and pain in the stomach. And still the coarse worms - or rather, their eggs.

Flasts swim in the pool


Even if you do not see them. In the water of the lively public pool of the mid-size dissolved more kilograms of excrement. Because on the body of a person there is enough of them - if he, a person, is not accustomed to use the bidet several times a day. This is an insignificant amount, of course, but due to the fact that there are many people in the pool, a lot of this good is gaining there. Sometimes the trouble happens to the kids - then the workers caught the result of a sacc. If you have time.

Human feces, invisibly floating in water, can be a source of a wide variety of contractions, from hepatitis A to the intestinal wand. Footprints of the intestinal stick, which usually through faeces and is transmitted, were discovered in 58% of the pools.

Most do not take shower in front of the pool


Yes, it would be worth it. But still, many believe that so clean - there are no further as last night. Approximately 70% of people climb into water, as they were.

Swimming diapers do not work

Some parents eat young chad into special swimming diapers. The idea is good, but they work is not very good. Poor, just say, work. All the same, a significant part of the contents flows out.

Someone who suffered from diarrhea 2 weeks ago, still can distribute bacteria

And if the chlorks are not enough, these bacteria will survive. And move on you.

To run into trouble, enough one throat

What is there - one rinse of the mouth. Treat the water in the pool as to the water from the crane somewhere in the fi of the third world.

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