10 reasons to wear a hat and 10 reasons to throw it into the nearest window



When you are more than 20, you begin to understand that, perhaps, my mother was not always wrong. For example, with your eternal "And you put on a hat?" PICS.RU found 10 reasons to wear a cap and 10 reasons by no means do it. Not small already, it's time to solve yourself!


Mommy will be pleased!

You imagine, call her clear winter day, there is fluffy snow, around a drift, beauty, in short. And proudly pinch in the phone: "And I'm in the header!". One hundred advantages in karma and a sense of deep moral satisfaction are guaranteed.

It is warm

No, it's really warm! This is not a hood, which is constantly slipping and closes the review, not a handkerchief, which knocks down, not a fluff shawl, from which the entire head is in the poch, and the thing that is exactly in its place! And heats!

Express individuality


Now such a variety of caps and in general any hats that they can be selected almost to any suit. Want - Wheel the helmet of Darth Vader, you want to eat - a man with a red star, and you want to kill - you wear takes and paint the lips in red.

You rastaf / rapper

And wearing a cap to be put on the status. Here and wear!

You have no hood

What is very strange in modern realities - now even on envelopes to extract babies from the maternity hospital, the hoods are sewn, not to mention the coats, parks and down jackets. But there is no court, so we put on the cap!

Unreal cool cap

Which is simply impossible not to wear. For example, she was inherited from the Praprababushki and was decorated with a real mammoth bone. Or there are provocative pictures on it. Or she was covered with crystals, forgive Lord, Swarovski. In short, sin is so beautiful to hide.

Good for your health

If seriously, then the supercooling of the head threatens meningitis (we are serious!), Otitis, violation of the work of the facial nerve and another bunch of different troubles. By the way, hair loss also enters this list - the cold breaks the blood circulation in the head of the head.

Hide hair


If they are unwashed or lazy to make a hairstyle, and where you're going to, you need to spend some time. In the theater, of course, such a method is hardly rolling, but if you need to go into less a papuscle, then quite.

Express civilian position

She put on the cap in the colors of the Russian tricolor - and immediately everything is clear with you! Or endowed holes in the header - and all, you are on the edge of the domestic opposition and in general in the trend! Better if such caps are attached to the black belt on karate. Nothing personal, but let him be better.

Feel like a truly adult

When you do not need to go for the nearest angle, remove the header and hide it into the bag. And on the contrary, proudly go with a highly raised head (in the header), and with superiority to look at the young Pigalians with frozen ears, remembering how at their age it seemed that the lack of a cap automatically makes you an adult.


Spoils hairstyle

We know why our mothers wore Hellian chemistry and the nosha - with such a hairstyle nothing will do, even if you wear Hermoshl. But our curls, curls and complex designs cap turns the devil knows what.

Electruses hair


You can of course play in a crazy professor or show focuses, but, agree, a little depressing when you come to a decent place, you take off the hat, and everyone immediately thinks that you have been thoroughly twice, and for some reason you have not resisted.

Itchies face

More precisely, eyebrows and forehead. And if you try to avoid static electricity and the hat is completely from natural wool, carefully knitted by mom, then itches five times stronger. And some and allergies are on wool, it is also unpleasant.

It's hard to wear something in the ears

Headphones or earrings. Everything clings and interferes. And terribly infuriates!


If your path lies in hell in public transport, it quickly becomes hot there, the head under the cap sweats, and this is an excellent environment for reproducing any bacteria and fungi, which are not waiting for goodness!

Difficult to pick up

The hat is changing the eating faces and, let's be honest, more often for the worse. Pick up the cap, which truly goes to you and combines with your favorite fur coat from fish fur, is not the easy task.

Warry wedge


If this problem is bothering you, then naturopaths (except recommendations urgently wash the head with gasoline) recommend freezing the nafig of all lice, going without a hat. Do not ask, how do we know it.

Does not nalace the hood

If suddenly, the harsh Russian winter began to rain, then the hood is pretty problematic on the cap. And if you stretch, then you become as an astronaut - nothing can be heard, not visible, uncomfortable and hot!

Not sexy

The cap is the last element of clothing, which can be at least somehow tied to sexuality. It is more about heat, care, house, but not sex. Even if it is latex. Well, except that the hat is the only thing that you wear in principle.

Feel like a truly adult

And show the whole world that you are an adult independent serious woman! You do not want to wear a hat - and you will not! You can attach a cat on your head, if it is very cold.

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