The size matters: 10 troubles from big breasts in gifs


Live with big breasts is how to arrange a party. All cool, one you strain. Audience, maybe there is something to see. And you have some problems from this device.

1. It's hard to play sports

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To understand what a girl with a 6-size girl, try to run through the park, hovering on the neck Avoska with a pair of Astrakhan watermelons. Or to play a beach volleyball in such an equipment.

2. Even just walk hard

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Because each of these watermelons weighs near a kilogram, or even more. How not to bend under the load of such responsibility. The breast of the Pamela system is constant back pain and stuff.

3. All chauvinists are yours

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At the University of Westminster, they counted that most men who chest less than D are not considered for breasts, they love to strive for the leisure about where the place of women and why chick is not a person.

4. No one looks into your eyes

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Everyone just will be covered with a look at your neckline and freeze like enchanted rabbits. And not only men, but in general everything. From the Grand Creatures of Nature Eye Do not take away.

5. In the car do not run into

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Because the safety belt, obviously, designed men. Or some flat engineers. Otherwise, they would notice that the belt passes the bulk bust of across, so that neither a hurry, nor sigh.

6. You look thick

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The rapid chest is extremely rarely rarely growing with a big breast, which is usually a bonus that the girls have "in the body". But also slim these airships give the look of the pyshek. No one will be pepped up, there is a waist and fragile clavicle or not.

7. It is impossible to choose underwear

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Silk and lace - for flat-bottom. Well, that is, we do not think that, of course. But designers - those yes. All that is more sized, it seems not to the seduction tool, but on the charged parachute.

8. And to shoot it, too, somehow awkward

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Porn-tits are 10 sizes, proudly rushed swell, exist only in solemnaya Japanese cartoons. Well, or these are not tits, but a silicone cylinder with saline. And the real big breast, alas, always modestly looks into the ground. Gravity is ruthless.

9. Yes, and sleep is impossible

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Unless on the back. In any other position, it is necessary to solve a difficult question - how to decompose these soccer balls so that they do not interfere.

10. And hug! :about(

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So you will try to acquire someone, and the hands on the back and do not converge.

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