10 tips how to stop living tomorrow


No, no, do not worry. This is not a course from a novice psychologist and is not an attempt to lure on a seminar from a friendly company. Just delight of neophyte, unexpectedly aware of the simple thing.

Imagine that you are seventeen again. You imagine how ten years old ... (here substitute the desired picture). And now look around. If the picture coincided, you can not read further. And if not, and in your head you have a new picture, as in a few years you ...That time it is to stop fantasize and learn, finally, live on the current day and love yourself in this current reality. Immediately.

There will always be a turn ahead, and for him something new

I want to believe that good. But if all the time run away from turning to the turn, in order to look around faster there, what will remain when the road will become straight, but, alas, is already very short? Dust Stall sneakers?

There is no "tomorrow" when you open your eyes and find a new, improved version of yourself

And shit from the shoulder and start all over the units. But even a tiny chamber forward, every day, it is already achieving. It is these tags that make up our lives. It is they bring us to that time when we finally want to slow down running. And not miraculous: "I'll take myself in hand and one fell."

Life goes here and now

This is trite and this is true. The worst thing you can do is compare it with someone else's life. And scold yourself that you did not learn in the three months of Spanish, did not master the rapidly ten weaving methods Macrame and still do not sign up in the sport hall. Stop thinking templates and other chains. Talk to you honestly, at least once in my life. Perhaps it turns out that you are insanely like mountaineering and it will be the only one, but hotly beloved hobby (or will become a lifestyle).

Sometimes circumstances are stronger than us

It does not mean that you need to fold your hands on the seams, boull and sophhive quietly. This means that the best thing you can do is at least continue to keep your head over the surface. If now everything you have time or can do is read three pages per day, then it is already good. In the end it will be a whole book. And let it be interesting and useful for you. You are well done. Right now go to the mirror and tell me: Mo-lo-decen. The main thing is not stop.

Sometimes you can walk not there

If for a long time you want to smear your hand and say: "And that they ate your cats!", So it is quite possible, you are not walking there. And at the end of the path, knocking spoons about the bowls of the cats are waiting for you. Urgently stop and thinking: you really like it every day to ride two more than two hours on traffic jams? Or just "cool boys do not ride in trainers"?

Stop envy!

By the way, about the steepness: instead of envy the former odnogrupnice, which is expensive boots, a handsome husband, a prestigious work and a house in Geneva, better throw it out of the head. You can hardly overlook her (otherwise they would not have envied), but paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 may help you understand why the envy is so octer. And yes: who knows him that will be ten years old ...

The main person is you

You can be in your family a hotter, parent, a gentle lover, an excellent employee. Take care, holly and cherish. But as soon as you come to the edge of your forces and opportunities, take a time-out and love yourself with a terrible force. Even if you have a report. Even if the boss makes terrible eyes, the baby whines that he needs to help with the lessons, and Mom - that she needs to be captured into the village. Because as soon as you end, reality will become cold and black for you as a winter night. And you will again live in the very tempting "tomorrow."

Treat yourself finally

Well, it didn't work out for you for several years to scatter on a lipentrine drancolet. Buy yourself just penger and rejoice. For once.

Wash out

It is very difficult to love today, if you parted yourself from the pillows in parts and all your thoughts about how faster to dive under the blanket. And here there are also cats with spoons knock, yes, yes, you remember. And the children are yell. And generally speaking.

Sometimes everything is really bad and scary

In this case, we wish you so that you are not just dreamed of the best tomorrow, but that it has come as soon as possible and there are people who love you. Do not give up, please! And yet: if someone is hurting you, do not wait. Run. Run as soon as possible, save yourself. Do not doubt, do not believe that the patient will cease to hurt. Do not let yourself live in permafrost. Run so that you can live here, now and rejoice at this.

Text author: Olga Ravchenko

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