# Scientist: the rules of "five seconds" does not exist


Everyone knows that quickly raised food is not considered fallen - bacteria and microbes need more than 5 seconds to be on food, so it can be calmly raised and sent to the mouth. However, scientists from New Jersey Ratger University denied it.


As it turned out, some bacteria have time to stick to food even before it comes in contact with the floor, and such factors such as moisture, surface type and duration of contact have a determining value.

Scientists tested tested four types of surface - stainless steel, ceramic tiles, wood and carpet, which dropped the following products: watermelon, bread, butter sandwich and marmalack. In addition, they gave food to choose a different amount of time: less than one second, five, half a minute and 5 minutes. In total, 128 different experiences were held, each of which was repeated 20 times for the purity of the experiment.


As a result, it turned out that on the watermelon faster and easier all the nastyness, and the least microbes liked Marmalade.

"Microbes have no legs, they move together with liquids, and the higher the humidity, the higher the risk of pollution"

Donald Shaffner, Head of Research.

The slower bacterium moves on the carpet, and faster than steel and tiles. Thus, the experiment of American scientists confirmed that it was important not only the amount of time that food spent on the floor, but also what kind of food it was and on which surface she fell. So there is no rule of five seconds: the cake fell - in his trash!

A source

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