It is impossible to kill: how to survive with a creative man



People are: normal; more or less normal; not very normal; abnormal; abnormal on the whole head; Creative. About the features of survival with a creative woman PICS.RU has already told in detail. Now there came the operating instructions for the correct operation of her talented fellow!

Somewhere deep inside

To begin with, we define with definitions - and we understand that the concept of "creative man" does not necessarily mean that he writes the canvas or there ballets. It can be full of insights and insights, but finding an extremely quirky way out. Or not finding it at all. He can, for example, uncommonly understand the last album "Anrace". Or inhumanly bizarre to see (no: see!) Faces on the glass. And create ... It can create any full, sorry, a pardon.

Hence the rule is the first. No need to expect a specific product from it. And hope to at least stay in history, like some Beatrice or at least Sophia Andreevna. He will arrange you nine laps, you will give him 13 children - but it does not mean that schoolchildren will pass you. Is that students. As a case in the tutorial of psychiatry. If it is arranged.

He suffers


Creative person is not good. A-priory. That is, quite without it, of course, it does not work. Unfortunately. And he is simply forced to sometimes enjoy - Hyabol, football, women's attention - or what else to the test of cruel fate will increase. Because fate - it is by definition cruel. And from pleasure ... oh, you do not know how (no: how!) He, the nature is thin, then they suffer from them. And without them - so at all the pipets. Therefore, he suffers continuously and inspired to any occasion. If there is no reason - it is especially painful!

From this follows the rule of the second. Do not try to help him roughly and unorigally to consult him. It only aggravates his flour. Better on the contrary - connect to fate. Who did not understand - the time remind that Lilya Brick said when Mayakovsky was worked. It is useful for him!

Do not make a corner


Think about money is fine. About large all the more. Especially in relation to it. Metal - he is despicable, people are dying for him, they do not give to rapid. His thesaurus is full of the words "mercantile", "mercenary" (often in the form of a female genus), "Major" (feasible), "stripping" (often in a master's ignition with a particle "not"). Even if he declares the dream to open a cafe or get nobel is not for the sake of money. The main thing is the greatness of the plan. In general, the need for an insignificant, weak organism to consume a voyage protoplasm inhibits it. Whether his will, he would prefer acrides or in general Prana. But it has to be humiliated by burger. Because life pain, see the previous item.

So, we have a rule of third. We are not particularly waiting for him to participate not only in the mortgage, but also in paying utility bills. No, the despicable metal can fall on it. For example, in the form of nobel. The probability is approximately equal to what the meteorite falls on it. You can find it a job. Sometimes he does it (if at that moment remains in the crisis, and not in the crisis). Inspire him that it is not for profit, but for self-realization.

He is all so sudden


And very controversial all. Everyone knows that the best way to keep for the soul is a "contrasting soul". So he knows how to emanate them virtuoso. And not at all. He is so. And this is especially killed. He does not take a phone for a week, and then waiting for you under the office with a huge box of your favorite candy - not from any insidious calculations. Just shouted so much. It is natural, like a young surrcoat during the spring of hormonal storms.

Tadam! Rule fourth. Be ready for everything. Equally to sudden night appearances and sudden night disappearances. To the melting tenderness in a flat place and a sewing rage at a nearby level place. And it is better not planning anything. Perhaps he will challenge you and hobble in the army. But ask him, whether you take two days of vacation next week, just as meaningless how to offer Malevich to issue a sign of pet store.

Amazing near

He does not see the meaning there, where millions find him (let's say, in the raising of children or the existence of protein matter) - but it turns it there, where a simple mortal will not look like a simple death. An indicative quote from one ordinary spouse of an unusual man: "I was somehow not somehow - I came - he never washed the dishes. In the bowls of mold in the forest rose. I am: "Che for garbage?" He: "conducted an experiment as it grows. Are you not interested? "

Fishing the fifth rule. Look at him not as a partner, but as a source of unexpected information, incentive to self-development, engine progress. Use as a daily mantra branded spell of girlfriends talents: "You will not get bored with him!" Until you get bored constantly do not bother, of course.

He is waiting for inspiration


"To force yourself" - two are the most terrible words in the world, the monstrous which is only "discipline" and "control". A creative man in any incomprehensible situation awaits Muse. This person suffering from the same predictable and smooth character is required in any situation - from the robbing of the nail before the opening of a new style. She often comes at night. And sometimes you make anything unimprovant. Type of monsters urine. This is for inspiration. It is impossible to disobey it. Otherwise, inspiration will leave. It comes too rarely. Now ... about the post! .. U-y, it's all you are to blame, forever you wish with some kind of trust and let down.

Please love and complain the sixth rule. Invent any creative ways to ask him something you need so that it does not look like a requirement, control, manipulation, violence and salt on the wound. And since even the phrase "Cute, please, please look like a creative man in a creative man, please, in creativity, you will soon surpass Bankxi and the Pavle.

He is deadly


By the way about salt on the wound. The artist, is clear a stump, everyone can offend, and you are not everyone, you are much more guaranteed potential offender. Everyone happens so that they are inadvertently coming to sick places. But this man is all, from the mustard to the tail - one solid deployed wound and bleeding corn. Therefore, where neither the trick is climbing Haton. He is constantly doubted in himself, and here pour oil into the fire. He only saw a dead dove today and felt all the beings of being, and then he also reminded about the finiteness of the products in the refrigerator. He just remembered today, as Mom tyrann his demand to put on the cap, and here you ask you to call back. In short, he is the whole - the child of good and light, but at the same time - the ball of orphanage and youthfulness.

Voila, the rule is seventh. Hold him. Only very careful. So that he is not offended. And remember that you should not be cooler. Not with anything. If you are inadvertently something happened - hide. Praised - Tai. Likeed - delete. Otherwise, its inequate wound will plunge into the bottomless barrel with brine.

Do you already want to save him from suffering and help beautifully enter straight in eternity? No, no, we did not advise you and did not even hinted. There are also more humane methods. Feed, wash, praise - and carefully convey some lady, which is not too sorry and who still dreams of Laurers Beatrice. Paradise is initially guaranteed. And you - you deserve peace!

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