How to clear the house and stop saving trash



The wardrobe does not close, between the pile of junk in the apartment there are already protopants tracks, things and figs are about to survive you from the house, and you can't throw anything - it's a pity! So it is impossible to live. PICS.RU will now help you clear the space.

Train on saucepans

If the hand is not rising to rake out of the roasters in the rooms, start with the kitchen - do a hand on the council of broth cubes, shrumbed cups and charred frying, they are not sorry. By the time you finish cleaning the kitchen cabinets, the idea itself to throw out the trash bags will stop seemingly blasphemy.


And what if trash seems to be not entirely yours? What if a person wanders around that does not give you to make a collection of broken firebags and a suitcase without a handle - shouts that this is not junk, and vintage and not a rode? Find a box for a reasonable and hide it in a non-obvious place. The box is slowly folding what you do not give to legitimately throw out. If the individual will inquire where her fire machine is honestly answering that it is in the box. But it does not ask, do not worry. After half a year, a thoroughly real box can with honors (but quietly) to carry out the garbage.

Give the whore to contemporary

Take the same box for yourself. Hand in it all that should be asked and fix, everything that is not clear where to attach everything that you will need to be needed. Someday. Not now. But through the year - probably. As you are filling, you make it up and send it to the trash. Not looking. What you really need, you have already pulled out from there, and if I didn't pull out - you don't need it.

Share Dobro

Offer friends to arrange the Tatar-Mongol invasion on your closet. Let everyone take what he likes. Downtown the bottle so that the electorate gets rid of shyness, hospitably smooth out the door of the wardrobe and wait for half an hour - very soon the cabinet will be expanded, only the shoulders are swaying and the wind is risening.

Cast a dog

Small and young, but begging and toothy. Youth energy quickly deal with everything that lies badly - and everything is really valuable you and so hid. Puppy in a couple of months inhibit your stripper boots, bag with broken lightning and grannium chair. Some seals also cope with this task perfectly.


Complete everything seems to be the necessary things in groups and carefully look at them. Here are 10 white Tekshek. On one blossom from mustard, the second generously decorated with kat, in four of them you look like that I added a couple of centners. From the remaining four choose those that really well sit on you, and the rest of the erase, pack and send to charity.

Use the principle of "plus-minus"

I bought a clear sofa pillow, a candlestick in the form of a star of death or actual ports? Emissions already existing thing is the same destination. God forget, what are you 20 candlesticks?

Watch educational work

Tonesely thoroughly nurse, friends and especially colleagues do not give you every Schmurdian obscure destination. Gifts to throw out particularly awkward, even if it is some kind of silent horror with rhinestones. Let be bought off with money and chocolates.

Excuse souvenirs

Not wolves in a house from Tyrolean hats, notre-lady models in full size and other souvenirs. Better thank the luggage to local goodies, it is nontrivially and still eate them. Another way to not return from the vigories with the whole of dust collectors is to fly to rest with an empty suitcase and already buy T-shirts from local designers, stupid slaps in a flower and sweaters with a national pattern. And on the journey it will be useful, and it will be reminding him at all no worse than any meaningless panel.

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