10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December


Sumbers and liquid dirt under the legs, ice rain and penetrating the wind, thirty-graduate frost and ice - the Russian man is all this nipple: we were born here, we live here. It is hot and roll to rolling - here are our two main winter entertainment (and not at all fishing, skiing and skates).

Russian tea

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_1

It helps from a cold and in general all diseases, it works as a sedative and light sleeping bag. Prepare just: brew, pour into a large cup, squeeze there from a quarter to half of the lemon, add one and a half tablespoons of honey and a glass of brandy.

Actually, from conventional tea recipes with brandy differs only by dosages: everything should be a lot, tea is strong, lemon - half, honey - generously and with a slide, cognac - at least forty grams. Instead of honey, you can put raspberry jam, so that quite in Russian.

Mulled wine

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_2

Pour sugar and warm up in wine, in no case bringing to a boil. Add Cinnamon (Better with a wand, not ground), carnation and black pepper, twisted a pair of lemon lobes or orange with a zech and be sure to throw a couple of apple slices.

Secrets here are several. First, it is not necessary to make Mulled wine from bad wine. For some reason, people believe that it is necessary to boil the cheapest rubbish, and this is rooting wrong: the fact that you would not put on the table and in the pan does not need to be poured. Secondly, the wine must be dry, sugar is better to add to taste. Thirdly, it is not necessary to eat fruit from Mulled wine. According to the legend, they absorb the seawous oils.

Well, the last secret: if it is very cold, you can add cognac or even vodka to the mulled wine or even vodka, it's all right because the alcohol is evaporated when the alcohol is heated, and the degree is lost. ;-)


10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_3

For some reason, the recipe is not very common in our latitudes, although it would seem very simple: 1) to cook hot chocolate 2) pour a brandy there. Traditional dosages are five pieces of cocoa for one piece brandy, that is, all the same 40 grams per cup. And let the frost draws poetic patterns on the wall, storm the heaven with the sky, we tire a warm checkered plaid and ...

Hot Yamaeca

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_4

Yamaeca is preparing a little more complicated, although also, in general, not Binin Newton. Some dark Roma, a little hot water, a pair of limes, sugar syrup (ok, you can add sugar to hot water, and only then add rum there), a couple of carnations cloves, a small cinnamon stick. Mix in the proportion two parts of the Roma, three parts of the water, one part of the linomed juice, a complete spoonful of sugar syrup (well, or to taste, it will not be completely spoiled).

Cocktail answers the question "whether reggae is possible in the northern country", and on different other great Russian questions.

Tea Toddy.

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_5

Simple recipe, but with one complex ingredient. You need to take a spicy rum (Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, for example, sold at any big store), pour a stack into hot tea, add a teaspoon of honey and literally a few drops of a mint schnapp. If the mint schnapps have already drank all (and it happens), you will have to reduce the recipe for number 1. It will still be very tasty.

Hot Whiskey

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We must stuff a few carnations to a quarter of the lemon, pour into a glass the usual portion of whiskey, put a lemon there, pour a couple of sugar spoons, pour hot water - and enjoy immediately. Repeat the procedure before the onset of Nirvana. The taste of whiskey at the same time is preserved, so pick it carefully: someone loves peat tape, and someone is sweet Bourbon, and the other will be quite expressive.

Hot Rakia, she was handing Rakia, she is free Serbia

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_7

A good portion of the plum Rakia (will have to search, but it is worth it, if there is no Serbian, then in Moscow it is easier to find a Bulgarian plumanti), a teaspoon of cane sugar, boiling water (in proportion one to one with raki) - here, actually, and that's it. ATTENTION! It is necessary to approach the Serbian fruit distillates with caution, they want to be brother, singing spiritual songs and perform the feats that in winter it can be quite dangerous.

Jean Toddy

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_8

The British came up with a lot of excellent hot drinks - in winter they have cold and damp, while it's seriously the mansions are not accepted - so, the fireplace is except. Therefore, without hot alcohol, this nation would simply measure.

So: forty milliliters of Gina (choose better), thirty milliliters of lemon juice, eighty milliliters boiling water. Mix in the heat-resistant glass, add a teaspoon of sugar (of course the best demoers, but optional), stir cinnamon sticks.

The combination of the Christmas tree and lemon is an eternal classic. It is believed that this drink helps well from the cold.

English Christmas Punch

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_9

Here, suppose you are a lot. And you cold. Normal, in principle, the situation is for our country. The British and for this case have a recipe.

A bottle of dark Roma (0.75) is taken and a bottle of dry red wine (0.75, obviously), three cups of brewed stiff black tea, two sugar cups, half a cup of orange juice (of course better than freshly squeezed, but you can not bother), half a cup of lemon juice , and any fruits that can be molded the punch bowl. Yes, if there is no big bowl for the punch, five-liter saucepan is suitable.

All ingredients must be mixed and warm (but God forbid will boil! Write disappeared!), Pour into the Punch bowl (optional!) And add fruits. And all, Jingle Bells is provided: Santa will go down the chimney and bring everyone gifts - even those who behaved not very well.

Burning bush

10 strong and hot: Recipes of the best drinks for December 38500_10

Why bush? Why burning? It is necessary to take a lemon slice and shove it into a glass for Toddy or Irish coffee (any other mug is also suitable). From above to pour a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey and Shot of whiskeys (in the recipe it is indicated that it should be Bushmills Original Irish Whiskey, but Jameson or Tullamore Dew is also magically suitable). Then you need to pour it all with boiling water and stir well.

We never freeze!

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