8 life kitchen organization for kettle


All such a hostess circle, do not suway directly with a question, look like a fool: herself, they say, should know.

We are not so. If you are not a superhman, you will definitely tell you what else you do not know! Here, for example, how to organize the kitchen.


General cleaning RULIT

Once a year it is worth pulling out everything, literally all the contents of lockers, overspass spaces and shelves and revise. You can find all sorts of miracles, and more often it becomes clear that they never use it, and I was looking for it six months, because I put in a very unwarked place.

By the way, about places

The combine must be in sight, on hand, otherwise you will find that it is dust somewhere on the belching, while you are still cutting on the old fashioned and rub the handles. If the combine is too cumbersome, it is better to sell it and acquire easier.

The saucepan, which you pull out every Saturday from the balcony and every evening we put back, in fact, there is nothing to do on the balcony, even if so since the grandmother's time is headed. Grandma preferred a pan and pots for baking, but you are not her. What you use exactly and just often, should be closer.

Soviet textbooks on housekeeping or book about Kalinka - just excellent

There are many outdated information, but there are clear schemes that where to fold in the kitchen. Look for scans on the network.

Focus on yourself

If you are low growth, and hinged cabinets suspended the giant, then the most necessary fold into the kitchen table and a buffet or a standing locker. And on the contrary, of course.

Cast more containers

High transparent cereal containers allow you to quickly understand what and how many you have, and we will not be broken and will not fall from a sharp movement. Pour a barbell in them from packages is not so lazy when they stand at a convenient altitude.

Other containers are good in order not to take place in the refrigerator with saucers and frying pan. In addition, it is immediately seen that it is in them, it is not necessary to pull out and raise the lid.

Festive service

It happens that when searching the kitchen is a long-term room for a large holiday service. Holidays have already passed a lot, but, apparently, everyone was some small. It means that the service is not festive at all, since not one triumph approached. He is yours to drink tea every day and eat soup every day. Seriously, it came to him. Rail and distribute to the rest of the dishes.

Aid kit

Store the first-aid kit in the kitchen is more convenient than in the bathroom, which, moreover, is unexpectedly busy. In the network it is not difficult to find information that should be in every home first aid kit so that in an unforeseen situation you do not die without waiting for arrival soon.

Do not scatter medications at different places. Speak all in one container or cosmetic bag.

Oven - also wardrobe

Maybe you did not know, but many successfully wake up frying pan or glass glasses there. Of course, it is suitable only for those who infrequently indulge in something baked.

Dishwasher - not a luxury, but the best way to wash the dishes

Electricity is spent more, but the flow of water is saved, and your strength and time are worth something (you can see the prices of this kind on sites with vacancies). So if there is, where the dishwasher is inserted, and there is an opportunity to accumulate on it, seriously think about such a purchase.

Illustration: shutterstock

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