How to go to the wedding and do not get on


In the fall, people are married especially actively - the groom no longer have to sweat in their tuxedo, and the bride managed to wind up on the sea and it looks like a mol in fainting, but on a normal body of corporal color. Potential guests returned from vacations, the air is pleasant and fresh, and the organizers of weddings rub their hands and prepare for the influx of clientele.

If your friends will be among the newlyweds, promise to us that you will be a decent guest!

Do not join white

A girl in white on a wedding party should be only one. And this is the bride. Not you. If you finish in white, weakly familiar with the real bride Rodni Groom will congratulate you and demand that you live with their knee soul in the soul. Photographer who did not see the bride in the eye, will photograph you. In short, you will look like a spare newlywed.

Keep in mind that the color of champagne, ivory, egg shell and clouds over Kilimanjaro is still white.

Observe the dress code

And in general, we walked out the choice of at least some attention. Yes, you are familiar with the bride and groom to a million years old and friends to the coffin, but this is not a reason to declare the celebration in jeans (unless in the invitation it is not said that it should be coming in such a form).

No need to throw to another extreme, dressed in something mega-luxury or sexy. There, most likely, there will be aunt, grandmothers and the rest of the secondary Snowers. Consolidated cousins ​​of the marriage, or something to be frappped by their dress, which is more like BDSM-Sberbu. In general, a simple cocktail dress, reliably covering breasts and panties - the best choice, regardless of the format of the holiday.

An exception is stylized weddings when guests must appear in the style of the Great Gatsby, the Games of the Thrones or the Wild West. And not "oh, oh well," and quickly climbed feathers or a cowboy hat.

Look at time

It's not good late, but even worse - it comes an hour earlier and hanged between the tables, wondering when it is already started to pour, or to wait for young people from the registry office. No one will be delighted if you are vigorously follow the last preparations in the restaurant, and registration is generally such a thing, some newlyweds prefer that at that moment only the closest.

Do not bring those who were not invited

Even if a week before the wedding, you met a sooo hot guy and now you think that it is time to introduce him to you with your koreas, and here just a reason. The number of chairs in the restaurant and places in the machines can be strictly limited, and I surrendered to the groom with the bride. Your new acquaintance. The same applies to the closest. If you called you, go alone - without sister, her husband, the best girlfriend.

Children are also better not to take - not everyone thinks that the screaming angels in pink rules, which are rushing around the hall with circles, exhausted from boredom is cute.

Think how you will hand a gift

If your gift is too big, do not take it to a party - there may simply not be places to put it, and then your friends will then have to quickly sprust the "Gazelle" to bring the refrigerator presented with you or a set of winter rubber to the house. Thunderic gifts are better to send young straight to the house, having coordinated time.

In general, just keep in your head that the best gift is an envelope with bills. Even with one bill. One bill is every better than some kind of hidden from the shop "Gifts and Bullbook" for the same cost. The bill can be exchanged for something useful, and the hurry will remain hidden.

Drink as little as possible

One-hour toasts, disassembly with other guests, sudden gusts to melt your lonely fate, striptease around the cousin of the groom - all these shameful numbers essence the result of excessional ppm. You never know that you have a tens of tens of tequila.

Do not be late

The groom with the bride, believe me, will be only happy if all guests welcome early and let them stay alone with a pillow and gift envelopes with money. They stood upside down and at the evening they already fall from the legs, hate everything alive and dream to be afraid. If the soul asks for the Konezh and Ugon, take the most dashing guests and, having rolled out young, Vali to continue fun in karaoke.

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