19 things that fight any date. Checked


Even if this is not a meeting with your Mr. Big, or a date for all your life, it would be fine and nice to spend this time. And there are such things that will easily spoil dinner, sex for one night or what is planned there. In short, write down.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_2
When someone came down on a date in sneakers. Without socks.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_3
When someone was nailed garlic or onion on the eve. And you never thought to kiss with him.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_4
When someone is called Friends on a date. Type, they had such an agreement, and you maniac at freedom.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_5
When a person for courage clearly went over. The girls also apply to girls!


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_6
Once your visa dépayment declares that all pop music hates. Or that does not watch TV, because it is for stupid.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_7
When you were invited to a date dinner to ourselves, and you were offered to wash the dishes.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_8
When sex looms, and he has no clean bed linen. Or at all no bed linen. And he sleeps like a dog, on the sofa.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_9
When, after a date in the movie, the whole remaining evening speaks only about the film.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_10
When someone thinks that it is very romantic to carry food from a plate of another person. No, it is not. Order yourself the same.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_11
When you chose a place to meet, and the dude went and said that it was "non-modular-shit-and-all-so-so-sooo."


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_12
When a person came on a date in a T-shirt with some vulgar inscription about sex.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_13
When you do not ask you at all about you. But you already know everything about him, even what yogurt he loves and what the first dog was called.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_14
If a person tells about his former. Alarm.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_15
If you notice that the cool song is playing and you like it, and the dude looks like you as if you confessed that you are sulfting the street puppies on the entrances.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_16
When the dude does not stop and carries nonsense about politics, films, celebrities, heresy from the category of science, etc.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_17
When someone in a conversation swear on what the light is hipsters and any subculture trainers, and at the same time it is dressed in the most fashionable stamps and knows all the underground bars and secret parties of both capitals.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_18
Throughout the dating, builds "Devil's Lawyer".


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_19
All huhbled with salted baubles, reminiscent of him 12 days in Thailand 4 years ago.


19 things that fight any date. Checked 38488_20
When you were invited to "continue", and there is an incredible bachelor srach.

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