Autumn: Survival kit


If September is almost summer (well, what is it), then October is an uncompromising autumn, gloomy, like the game of thrones, is heavy, like a slagoblock, and inevitable as Deadline.

But nothing, such garbage happens for the first time with us. We, the experienced fighters of the middle strip, are ready for everything and have already collected a set of survival - it will help us reach the New Year with champagne and Bengal lights. That's what you need to survive autumn without loss.

Box of muesli bars

The young man in the morning does not want to eat in the morning - he wants coffee, return to bed or show the peace of the jop from the window (in any order). But in the same way, that it is a person to tech breakfast that is especially important - without breakfast, the decay of forces makes itself felt even more, and it becomes worse just in the midst of the working day, when the energy has already ended, and in the office there is still 4 hours , not less.

And since it is too lazy to cook something early in the morning, Muesli-Bar, Granola and other birds (crushed) Hipster (crossed out) Complexed food fit perfectly - they are saturated for a long time, they do not need to fry or boil and they go well with coffee. Search for those where the sugar is smaller, and the protein additives are more.


Has already? Whole three? Buy a fourth. The worst in the fall is a reduction in the daylight. Now in the morning and in the evening you need as much sources of artificial light. Only screw the energy-saving lamps so as not to scatter.

Yellow pajamas and orange plaid

If psychologists do not lie (and why would they?), These colors are the strongest colorful energy. Red - a little bit too much and is alarming, and from the cold half of the spectrum you will fall into an even deeper hibernation.

Successful Herbal Tea

True, truly tell you - enough to cook at night. The Soviet lifestyle reduces the level of serotonin, without which life is unorded. In addition, after midnight, every dostoewishchina climbs in the head, it seems to you that you are one and the same (so there is, the normal people are already sleeping), and the morning after a sleepless night seems to be a gage. It's time to take off early and get up too early to grab as much sunlight as possible (well, or what is called in our latitudes).

Bank of Vitamin D.

In order for it to be produced, the sunlight is needed, which is not and will not be the next six months. There will have to eat synthetic - insomnia begins with a lack of vitamin D at night and drowsiness during the day, and it also covers the hatred of everything alive.

Portable printer

There is a hot cocoa for yourself, it is comfortable and getting ready for the next two hours to cover the developers by the mother, trying to figure out how this crap is working and why it does not connect to the smartphone, as promised. When you figure out, print the best summer photographs (it also has the therapeutic effect - immediately understand that it did not evenly spend the summer) and figach the collage of them. Psychologists say that strong emotions and the presence of meaningful occupation distract from Handra, and the audit of summer memories reconciles with the fact that the Tlen window.

Candle or any other meaningless thing

The main thing is that this is a meaningless object-generating thing, which I have long wanted. If it is an aromatized candle with an elegant label and a price tag, like a jewelry - cool. Wood in the form of a deer head - excellent. Banana pillow - great. Any game will come down if she adds at least 10 points to the joy of returning home with a gray street, where the subway, two-month rate of precipitation and the euro rate.

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