9 weaknesses that make you stronger


"Do not be such an egoist," "Stop should be shy", "what are you so touching?" - What happens? We do not know where you got my character from, but since you are able to enter the site pics.ru and open this text, it means that you are already quite an adult and have hardly changed. We will work with what is, and learn to benefit from those character traits that you always stop. And the benefits in them are actually a car!

You are constantly disturbing

Anxious people live difficult. But they never leave the iron included and succeed where there is a subsidism and the tendency of ten times to recheck everything from and to. The reverse side of anxiety is disciplined, attentiveness and ability to present all possible outcomes in the colors. So you always have a plan B, a plan in and so on to Ya. In the case of force majeure and total panic, you are the alarming person, you can bring everyone to the exit and supply victims of warm cocoa.

You are uncommunicative

And it gives you a huge resource for the restoration of forces. And also allows you to deal in detail in your feelings and desires - agree, it is difficult to concentrate on yourself when the crowd of the people surrounds you. Bad often means that a person perfectly feels alone with himself and does not require extraneous animators in order to have a great attachment.

You dramatize

Watch your hands and drive around the floor with a scream "Everything is lost"! Yes, maybe you exaggerate. However, winding yourself and causing an artificial sense of despair, you at some point you begin to believe that there is nothing to lose. And - burn all fire - decide to do what another hour ago the gut was thin. The affected public applauds standing.

You are shye

Such a warehouse of character does not allow you to climb into the center of the dance, but it gives you rare observation. Sitting aside, you see the whole picture entirely and carefully follow people, analyze their words and actions - and in the end you understand them much better than those who dance Jig on the table.

You're jealous

Loose can poison life. But they become a magical Pendel, if need to dramatically improve the quality of life. Instead of blissfully rejoice in other people's successes, you mobilize all the resources with the goal of losing the nose of Vanderbildhem. Envy is a much more powerful engine than a simple contemplation of extraneous achievements.

You lazy

Yes, you just treasure! As you know, laziness is a progress engine. It is like you, the world turn the world - without getting up from the sofa. Lazy's ready to attach any effort to work smaller, and it is people like you have come up with a washing machine, delivery of pizza to a house and a coffee maker. Your reluctance overvoligate leads to the fact that you are developing the most effective schemes for organizing work and find the shortest distance between two points.

You are bored

Surface people call the borehouses of those who are able to think about something more than three minutes. And you clutching in the subject, you can easily chew it for three months - and as a result, become a narrow specialist who is gripping. And if you know something - you really know, and better than Wikipedia. Science needs such as you.

You're touchy

The tendency to be offended at any oblique look and dubious intonation makes you an expert on hidden meanings. You hear not only what people say, but also catch what they mean. So do not blow you. Plus - the syradiability makes you carefully select dating and ruthlessly cut off uncomfortable people, so your circle of communication is a stone wall.

You are an egoist

In childhood it sounded as a call. But you have long grown out of the sandbox, it's time to look at things soberly. We are here in the pics weekly we are trying to convince girls to love yourself and remember your interests, and you don't need to convince: you also know that you are better for you, and you will not be fed up for a changeable world to him, peace, it was more convenient. Egoism is not only the ability to eat the last candy without remorse. This and the ability to say "no", and high self-esteem, and the unwillingness to tolerate next to those who strive to sit on the neck.

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