5 reasons why you all the time will murge


Are you a terrible marriage? Then, of course, autumn is not yours. Although ... depends on the reason that makes you such a freezing.


Problems with vessels

Reduced pressure and vegal dystonia themselves are not illness, they are a reflection of the characteristics of the body. But the state of the vessels directly affects the well-being, hypotoniki often begin to mourge, when everyone around the temperature is still the norms, and people from EMD and the case pierces chills.

Non-Honior / Nedokorn

Folk wisdom has long known that the sound warmer than the hungry. It does not matter, for the sake of some great goal you are undernour, first of all, you donate including the ability to maintain heat.

In addition, you can be full, but an asthenically folded, that is, thin by nature. With such a physique, there is also an increased volatility.


Sleep shortage leads to many problems, and one of them is constant octvines. Scientists believe that it is necessary to sleep 6-9 (and strictly multiple one and a half) hours per day, it is best to continuously and at night.

Thyroid problems

If, except for constant chills, you suffer from lethargy, drowsiness, your hair falls out or dries the skin, we can talk about the violation of the work of the thyroid gland.


Related anemia Low hemoglobin makes you suffer from cold when people around still normally live without jackets and sweaters. Other symptoms of anemia may be pallor, decay of forces, dizziness.

Illustration: shutterstock

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