Sex does not happen much. Why do you need to do this during pregnancy


It would seem - the rates are made, there are no bets anymore, why then have sex? That time did not have enough? However, as practice shows, many pregnant women (and their husbands!) Sex needed and as! PICS.RU Understood, is everything scary, as it sounds and can you have sex during pregnancy. It turned out - one solid benefit!

What prevents?

Fear to get pregnant

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Of course, get pregnant once again, already being pregnant, you can. This is due to hormonal violations and is found so rarely that such cases are practically not registered. Well, just as sitting in the office, you can drop out of the window. That is, theoretically, it is possible, but practically - very hardly.

Fear of damaging the child

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Men seem to be that they can their MPH (male sexually clear than) damage the infant. Successful your faithful: to poke a member of the son or daughter in the eye will not work with all the desire. First, the child is reliably protected by the maternal organism on all sides - the placenta, water, and that's all this. Secondly, the baby is good when his mother is well. Sex is good, it means that he is good! So do you have sex for health, but all sorts of rude games with hanging and hard sex is still avoided due to the possibility of mechanical injury.

Fear that orgasm provokes childbirth

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According to doctors, during orgasm, the child feels like in a jacuzzi bath with champagne bubbles. By the way, we would not refuse too! Especially after the planer! Just can we have champagne inside, please?

Fear that the body is unattractive

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Many women are embarrassed by their body, because it becomes like a stranger: more bulky, chest increases, sometimes stretching appear, and indeed it is more like a combat cruiser, and not a flutter lan. There is only one way out - to love your pregnant body and remember King Solomon with his eternal "and it will pass." The stomach does not grow in one night - changes occur gradually and imperceptibly. So you will have time to get used to new yourself. And admit already, Hey, about such cool tits, you dreamed of a class with the eighth! And stretch marks can be played in safari and tiger hunting! RRRRR!


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Indeed, the old good missionary pose with increasing belly becomes less and less comfortable. Well, God gave you the brain and Internet - experiment! If you want a calm and pleasant sex, then go on the side, and let the man be delighted at the back. If I'm joking - pay attention to the post "Doggi-Style": and you are good and for a child Profit! Doctors argue that it is in it that the burden of the kidney is reduced, and the baby appears an extra place for the alders and poctays!


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With them you just need to accept. Someone wants sex from the first to the last day of pregnancy with a tripled force, and someone is able to lie on a log and not to be removed, because toxicosis, there is pulling, there is a rush, and in general it infuriates. We must catch the moment when you do not want to depict dead seal or, on the contrary, throw chairs and other furniture objects in people and animals and try-try-try. Knowing people say that the feelings of a pregnant woman during sex can be completely fiction. The main thing is not to give up after failures and - Attention! - Always have a tube with a good lubricant at hand!

In fact, the sex is solid benefit!

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  • Cuts in the uterus during orgasm - excellent training before the upcoming birth
  • Orgasm itself - strengthening the muscles of the pelvic bottom and the prevention of generic injuries
  • In addition, the orgasm is very, very nice. He helps the future mother to relax and throw out extra alarms from the head (and pregnant will always find a reason to worry - they only give them away!)
  • Many women truly can give up the process only in time of pregnancy: it's too late to think about protection, so it's not worth worrying
  • The sperm contains natural prostaglandins that affect the neck of the uterus, softening it before childbirth
  • A man feels love, love and self-need - Many husbands admit that women are distinguished from them during pregnancy, completely immersed in the wonderful new world. So, sex is a great way to show the partner that you did not throw it into the arbitrariness of fate, but very conversely!
  • The woman has the opportunity to experience a multiple orgasm! (You are not pregnant? Then we go to you!)

NB! It is important to understand that we are talking about the case when pregnancy proceeds normally and without complications. That is, there is no threat of interrupt, tone, delaying placenta, threats of premature birth and sex infections. By the way, it is believed that with a pregnant woman, it is better to have sex in a condom, because you can get "there" on MPC anything is very simple and fast. And if you are waiting for a twin or triple, then with sexual fun, it is better to postpone: this is an increased load on the body and is unknown, how does he behave, suddenly what? So be careful and intelligent and forward - to multiple orgasms!

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