And stylists hide! How to paint your hair yourself and do not


It can even paint the hair with a person who has arms grow from an alternative place. Moreover, without the help of expensive stylists. Of course, it is better to shove this care for the pro, but Pics.Ru is always on the side of those who are on the melels and in cramped circumstances.

Determine your color tree

We will not go deep into the bright autumn and soft winter, it is enough just to understand what tones in your appearance are more - warm or cold. Look at the Vienna on the wrist with natural lighting. If they are rather greenish or blue-green - you refer to the warm color. If blue or purple is cold.

Anotherly visual well-known two-cell test. Alternately apply to the face (again, in the daylight) two pink heat and cold shades handkerchief - for example, coral and fuchsia colors. Girls of a warm color, having climbed into the fuchsia, turn into pale meters with the eyes of Panda. The girls of the cold color of the coral is covered with unhealthy stains and look like they went to them. In general, believe me - do not make mistakes. If you go coral - you are warm, if Fuchsia is Elsia.

Choose paint type

In order to become on the tone-another darker or brighter, it is not necessary to torment the hair with super-resistant paints - semi-wall paint or shedding shampoos are suitable, the effect will be the same.

If you want to become a cloth (but not strongly) or change the shade, look for paint with low ammonia content, it will hold on a couple of months.

But the resistant paints with a high content of amymiak are suitable for dramatic changes (especially in the direction of clarification) or to paint the essential match.

Choose the formula

It all depends on the length and density of your hair. Girls with dense, thick, curly and anarchically tuned hair, the paint mousse or liquid paint is suitable, it will be much easier to smear it. For thin and gentle hair, the paint gel or paint cream is suitable, it is easier to control it in the process of applying.

And do not cheat. The key to high-quality staining is generosity. One box is enough to color short hair or hair of medium length. Well, or long, but very liquid and thin. In all other cases, it is better to buy two boxes and throw away the remainder than trying to evenly smear the contents of one - the paints are definitely not enough and some strands will be nevertheless. Hair should literally swim in the paint.

Choose tint

You're not in vain defined my color, now this information is very useful to you. Any color may be warm or cold. It is possible to navigate the model on the box, although it is not always easy - it's not a fact that the color will be the same on you. If you find it difficult to determine the eye, cold shade or warm, look at the commercial name of the tone. Warm shades are under warm maiden. Usually on the box with paint warm color written "Honey", "Copper", "Golden", "Caramel", "Fire", "flaming" and so on in the same spirit. Elsam to the face is cold - in their name there are words "ash", "pearl", "shell", "chocolate", "champagne", "frosty", "platinum".

On most boxes on the reverse side, there are a plate with the color "before and after", it usually contains 3-4 source variants and possible staining results. If in the option "before" there is no current shade, postponing this paint and look for something else - most likely, the outcome will not please you.

Apply to paint correct

If you use a resistant paint with a bucket of ammonia in the composition, not my head on the eve, but it is better to wear paint on frankly dirty hair. Ammonia paints evil and can irritate the scalp. When using semi-resistant and scene paints, hair is better to wash in front of the color, so the color will be even.

The procedure for applying paint depends on color. If you have impressed to brighten up, start with the nape - the hair on the painter and around the face is usually and so on the tone is lighter than in the occipital part. In all other cases, start with the top of the head and the front of the head. Do not forget to staining a macked finger in vaseline or very fat cream and draw a wide band along the hair growth line (and smear the ears with cream!). You ignore this step - and you will get paint stains on the forehead, and launder them - a whole story.

Still over time. If you spend the paint 20 minutes later, the sky does not fall on the ground and the hair will not be offended along with the head, but the color will turn on the tone with a darker or lighter desired. If you smash before, there is a risk of getting an uneven proscure, a mice shade, or, if you turn into a blonde, dull yellow.

And do not forget about care after staining

After the paint is washed away, massage the hair with air conditioning from the box - this thing is specifically designed to care for just painted hair and it is often just beautiful, literally salon quality of garbage. It is a pity that it is put so little.

So that the color is not washed off, getting off with a cubeer a couple of days - during this time, the paint is fixed. And when you still wash your hair, not three of them with a towel to dry quickly - from this hair scales are raised and losing the pigment.

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