What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets


Let's take the truth in the eye: now we will breed a man for sex sometimes much more complicated than the most modest nymphature in the world. And here you are in the fire of desire, and he! AND HE! DOES NOT GIVE! PICS.RU developed a manual for retreat from the battlefield without prejudice to proud.

Here it is necessary to clearly share the situation: he did not give you when you drove to him at a party, breathing with spirits and fogs, or at the moment when you were already in bed. If in the first case, everything is more or less understandable - well, you did not like him! - In the second, as a rule, the reason for purely physiological, in other words, did not get up. Take about it and talk.

Do not speed

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_1

Do not even think to include the regime of a psychologist and try to try to be advised in women's magazines, "tactfully solve the problem." Maybe some very very much experienced woman's experience and are capable after he barely nailed them in the hallway, almost devoured on the verge of a bedroom, and then suddenly, Emmm, lost his dust, gently stroking him on his head and kink about What "We will cope with this together," but even sounds it, to put it mildly, strange. If none of you are not worthy to joke, it is better to completely silent, honestly.

Do not drive

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_2

He did not give, you fled in tears in the bathroom, you look at yourself in the mirror, you want to die right here and now (and it's better to disappear) and you think that of course it is because you did not shake your feet! Or you have cellulite on the ass! Or, about horror, he noticed your panties from Barbie! It's all about this.

Tomorrow you are recorded on particularly cruel epilation to the bones, you do two hundred fifty thousands of quits and get all the lace existing in them from the bins.

Dear, relax. The point is most likely not in you, but in its erectile dysfunction. It is very difficult to stay and not to boot a bunch of complexes, but you are trying to.

No offense

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_3

We understand that when you are not worth it, it's very offensive, but still try not to dramatize and do not leave on the night with clapping doors and shouts "You do not love me !!". Especially if your alleged reunification in bed preceded twenty Skot Tequila, champagne and something green, which was burning.

The man is also not easy now: he imagined himself a sex giant and super-maho-man, won as pressed to you in a taxi, and here such a bummer and fiasco. It is also not worth putting on pity with tears too - few people excite female tears, except, of course, completely frostbitten types.

Rate your desires

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_4

If you are firmly tuned for sex, drags, rock and roll, a cup of coffee, a smoke, and everything is a new one for a new time, then you need to either carefully collect things and go to look for happiness elsewhere, or postpone the fulfillment of desires at least in the morning. Or at least for a couple of hours.

Who knows him, suddenly he overturned, transported or at an inappropriate moment remembered the dead puppies, and in the near future everything will work out? But during this couple of hours it is not worth pretending that you were here as if you were accidentally met and did not intend to do this, it is better to lie in bed, chat, hugging and establishing emotional contact.

Do not brake it

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_5

Do not climb him between legs with checks "What if it was redeemed?!?!" Once a ten minutes. First, it's terribly infuriates, secondly, he is not an experimental rabbit, and thirdly, and if he did not fix what? With a sad view, clean your hand, diligently trying to hide awkwardness and disappointment?

Believe that when he is 146% confident in success, he will manifest the initiative to rehabilitate after failure.

Oral sex

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_6

Here you need to act very neatly and by mutual wishes both with one and on the other side. Believe me, after half an hour of fruitless efforts, you wave this cloth in my mouth, and he burns from shame and embarrassment, because a blowjob is one of the best things in the life of a man, and there should be no place to be a negative.

But if you are not a couple against Cunningus, then, as they say, ahead and with the song. Just do not count that after that, everything is boosted by magic. Maybe yes, and maybe not, do not think about it, enjoy the process.

Listen to Him

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_7

In our opinion, the normal representative of the "Men Reasonable" will try to discharge the situation: to joke, to make the situation, honestly admit that I have passed, because I dreamed of you for the last 10 years, to tell that for the calling of the erection he needs a complete darkness, a towel, a gas burner and Sasha Gray on the monitor, in short, somehow smooth the awkwardness. It must be supported in every way and continue to act in circumstances.

If he was muttered something like "Well, okay" or "And I always work with my wife," you are going away and run away from it (well, or kiss to hell on the frost). Self-satisfied nerds to us here.

Do not tell about your failure

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets 38474_8

Well, or tell, but without names-names, especially if you have common friends. But if you are a harmful bitch, and he offended you (see Depending Point), then you can certainly paint on the jade roded rods in all its glory. Let then understand who was the worst boy here!

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