How to help your girlfriend who gathered to move


Usually, friendly assistance when moving is limited to vinny. We bring vinichesko for goodbye with the old apartment, to the distribution party of things and on the housewarming. It is wonderful, but five more practical ways to stretch your hand help.

Help compile plan

Surprisingly, the banal relocation is actually a complex multiple. You need to sell furniture, which is still nothing, but to transport her reluctance (there will be photos and bulletin boards), take the trash (here it is not necessary to do without movers), to carry Skarb (again movers plus negotiations with the saleswomen of the nearest stores for the boxes), Former and future landlords, to work in the apartment and so on. There can be something to forget about something to disperse something, and you have a clear head.

It will be generally super if you take the organization at least one task for yourself - for example, we will negotiate with the transport company or add packaging container.

Help material

No, not money, girlfriend, tea, does not dare. But the thunder-free bags and suitcases will be very useful for the transportation of wardrobe and fragile trifles. You probably have monsters on wheels, bought for a five-day voyage in Cyprus last year.

Give refuge her animal

For a dog or, worse, the cat move is a nightmare and the end of the world. Screenshots, unfamiliar people in combat, new odors and the mysterious disappearance of the underwound chair - Well, what else is it, if not apocalypse? Of course, any change of the situation is stress, but even if the beast is better than your apartment, what will be crazy during the move or will be hurt some shelf. Hamsters and gigantic snails do not care about everything, but they are especially risking to be flipped.

Give refuge her food

By the time of moving in the refrigerator always remains something valuable and desirable like a prawn kilogram or a piece of smuggled parmesan. In order not to throw it out, hold them a couple of days in your refrigerator.

Felling her

This housewarming will be later, and now you are the first guest in a new apartment, where the relocation reigns and all the pots lie at the bottom of one of the boxes. And no one remembers which one. You will be an angel of heaven if you come to visit a glass of coffee and finished food. And vinny.

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