7 Sex Rules in Nature


Spring finally came, the kebab is marked, the wine is cooled, that and looked like love, and with her, and unrestrained passion. Catch seven immutable love rules outdoors. So that later it was not painfully hurt and that's all!


Choose place

Night and so dark and full of horrors, and in nature - so especially. Togo and look Lyuty Komar sparst full, the evil ant crawls there, where he is not a place at all, and a delicate body shrub will pull the branches. And we are already silent that the earth is still cool, the wind will, wolves growl! By the way, if you went to warm countries, then there you also need to approach the selection of the place responsibly: the sand does not torment it everywhere, and the local insects do not dreamed too!

Choose time


If you do not want to become a Pornhab star or something else, choose the right time when the neighbor sees the tenth sleep in the country, and it is not easy for sure that it will not get it on the bed, on the beach there is definitely no one, and the first mushrooms have never ever observed. In short, the perfect option is early early morning. At the beginning of the first - the most!

Pews hygiene

Be sure to hold with you if it's not a soap, fragrant and a fluffy towel, then at least wet wipes. First, it will be more used, secondly, after all it will be necessary to put yourself in order, well, and, thirdly, they will never be superfluous, and the places are at a minimum. We warned.

Dishes contraception


We hope you are not of those who really believes that if you have sex in water or in a bath or in the forest on the roots of centenary oak, you will definitely not get pregnant. Practice shows what else can be like! As if centenary oaks are invented to pregnant on their roots. We warned again.

Warmly dress

No, we are not your mom, but you have read everything right. The fact is that active television leads to an increased sweating, and the sweat, evaporating from the skin, is quite significantly cooled, and if it happens in nature, then any wind is fraught with a cold. So besides a couple of excellent orgasms, you can catch more cough, runny nose and other charms.

Beware of water


Water is a wonderful place for bacteria, even salty. For a man, she is less dangerous (if he has no microtraums and cracks on his dick), but you can very much, sorry, to pump: during sex in the sea, water with all its microscopic inhabitants is injected as a piston in the vagina. Brrr.

Use scarily tools


Hamamak, inflatable boat, tent, plaid, towel - everything that can be at hand and protect you from prying eyes, insects, sunlight, sand and all other troubles. And please be neat. We are not the Ministry of Health, but also scared warn!

Pictures: shutterstock

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