10 myths about Bodun


Think, you are a valid samurai and know everything about how to survive the next morning after a good night? We argue, half of what you know, not true?


It's all from dehydration

Whether it is so, the hangover would be treated with a pair-three glasses of water, and the world would be a much more pleasant place. Alas, Bodun - the phenomenon is complex. There is also a lack of sleep (since the sleep of drinkens of brief and anxious), and a decrease in blood sugar levels, because of which the hands are trembling, and toxic alcohol decay products.

Water will not hurt - but not much will help. Although a couple of water glasses in front of a drunken or at least a cup of coming sleep (if you remember) can alleviate suffering.

Hangover will only if you need to pose


And here we have developed such demonically. Diskrophe drunkenness, undoubtedly, will face you. But with the same success can also be a rino glass-other intercourse. The risk of hangover depends on age, gender, weight, genetics, nationality and overall health.

The middle man can suck 4 cocktails, and nothing, and the middle girl will drink three and wake up in hell. Europeans transfer alcohol better than many Asian peoples who lack enzymes for its processing. Bodun from one gland - the lot of those who suffer from migraine and liver diseases. And - that's because bitter irony - those who drink twice a year, risk more than those who dwell regularly, but on a little bit.

Men and women risk equally

Re-read the previous item. Not. Alas. Even if you are absolutely the same age and drank equally, you are much more likely to feel the beauty of the hangover. The body of the man contains more water (on average by 10%), and this watery helps men better output alcohol decay products. They also have more enzymes for recycling. But girls have more fat. Even in slim. Fat delays alcohol and the dirtyness in which it turns.

Well, to top it all on the rate of alcohol processing, female sex hormones affect menstruation - in front of menstruation and during the reception of oral contraceptives, the girls suffer from bodier stronger and longer. World is not fair.

Beer and wine - the safest choice


Some are sure that the wines and beer hangover does not happen. Or happens, but weak. Others believe that if you do not interfere with drinks and do not lower the degrees, the morning will be guaranteed to kind. Garbage. It doesn't matter what you drink and in what order. In red wine, full of tannes provoking migraine. The same effect is given and colored sturdy drinks like whiskey and all sorts of lyters. Seasonably drink clean drinks with a minimum impurities - for example, very good vodka. And very little.

Snack - and no hangover will be

Food can help, but only if you snapped to the party. However, you need to choose dishes carefully - some products may not be prevented, and even more aggravate a hangover.

Paracetamol before bedtime will help to prevent Bodun


There are two traps right here. First, paracetamol is processed by the liver, which is already engaged in the processing of alcohol. To overload this unfortunate organ at all, so you can shoot up before the liver inflammation. Secondly, any painful, accepted right before bedtime, work intact - they really take off the unpleasant feeling, but only in the next few hours when you still be touched. Do not try to inform nature and take them in the morning when the soul is asking for.

Cold shower and cup of coffee - Best medicine

This is the best tool to lose weight, if you are still under a fly, and wake up if you slept exactly 34 minutes. But neither one nor the other from the hangover will not get rid of you. Coffee can even worsen the position, since it is a powerful diuretic, and the water is so lacking. In addition, caffeine accelerates heartbeat, and we do not tell us how it is unpleasant to raging the heart in the morning after a good break. From American today it is better to refuse only herbal seas and repentance.

Ovochel invented Genius


Ovokmyl invented chronic alcoholics. Which in principle can look at the drink with at least some kind of lust. The beer mug does not save from the hangover, but will only move it for a couple of hours, because we are starting to feel like a pair, when all yesterday's nets leave the body and the level of alcohol in the blood drops. So the hangover sooner or later still will overtake you, except that after the beer it will be much worse - if you are not going to leave in the weekly stuff.

And I know an excellent natural herbal tool from the hangover

Secret technologies of special services, magic Tibetan herbs, squeezing from the fruits of the Mumba-Yamba palm. Alas, all these magic bottles and pills do not get rid of the hangover at all - at least research has not been confirmed. They can very slightly reduce some manifestations of commercials - for example, reduce dryness in the mouth. Slightly. What did you expect?

Think, Bodun. Nothing wrong


Call the afternoon boss and weak voice about poisoning - you skip the working day and undermine the economy. Heroically dragged into the office - you ride your renome and wither in health. The lies about poisoning was not so lies. The hangover is severe intoxication, and your body is straight and asks for mercy.

The hangover harms the central nervous system, causes inflammation of the stomach mucosa, overloads the liver and cardiovascular system. This is if you wake up in the morning in the morning, because a lot of people left for the best world in the flourishing of forces, choking in a dream by the lots of the masses, drowned in the bath or split the head about the sidewalk.

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