"Koshai, honey, do not stop!" When your boyfriend is a pervert feeder


Fiding - she is from the forms of sexual violence, which at the beginning is not so easy to recognize. He is guarding you, nothing refuses. Prepares to you breakfast in bed, collects food to work, watches you do not stay hungry.

It seems very cute concern until you understand that for the month thanks to his efforts scored 10 kilograms. And you score as much. And further. Until you understand - he does not love you, but any big female body and someone else's helplessness.

We climbed into the feeders forums to read the recipes breaking the victim they share, and tell you how to recognize the feeder and not to turn ourselves in the Christmas goose.

You are the best, I immediately understood

Feiders choose the modest and not the most sociable girls. Those who are even the smallest are inclined to excess weight. He will convince you that you are beautiful (and so it is, but hearing persistent assurances in this, you melted and lose your vigilance), and you don't need to change anything in yourself. Just all these thin dorms did not see the real beauty, and he immediately saw. In general, it is not difficult to distinguish from the bodiposive. While listening to you - his goddess, and he will do everything to be good.

Rest, I'll cook

He surrounds care in everything: does not allow to carry gravity, to break down, believes that you need to rest more. It is better to stay in front of the TV and a piece of pizza. Why refuse yourself in desires?

He is so caring, which will prepare you and dinner of three dishes. Very, very calories, as if you load the wagons all day. And so be upset if you do not eat everything ... because he tried and only for you.

Fideer gives pleasure already the felting process itself, and if you try to resist - you can get a very tough punishment. While it does not yet depend on it in every step, it may be a scandal, disappearance from the house for several days, pickles and ridicuing - in general, in the arsenal he has many unpleasant things forcing you to fuse.

You do not have equal in sex

He does not get tired of repeating that you are a goddess. You experimentally experiment, but he does everything to give you pleasure so that you felt you with him as good as never before. Do you want to make him a pleasant? Just do not bother, let me admire your appetizing forms. Because he likes your body so much. But it would be even better if you had scored a couple of kilograms.

Why work? Rest

Better so that you do not go to work. At all. And you definitely do not need a gym. And these meetings with girlfriends. And even better not communicate with them, they are all obsessed. It is better to dine at home, quiet and family.

The worst thing is that when you annoy these shifts of dishes and you will see in the mirror not yourself, but an unfamiliar fat, the body will demand even. The stomach is stretched, with each new kilogram it becomes harder to walk, breathe. Apathia begins. Ready! Now with you you can do anything.

If you are not going to eat, I'll leave!

Foot feeder fails. He gets huge, and sexual, including pleasure looking at you, joining a hamburger pizza. He gets even greater pleasure from your dependence, his dream is your complete immobility. It is stopped - it means to break the mechanism that he built so carefully. Therefore, it will easily go to such blackmail: now you can not be alone. You are fat and ugly, well, who are you still needed? And immediately wrapped the gingerbread: And I love you and I will be forever. And you imagine how great will be completely like an ancient goddess.

Problems with sex? For him there will be no such problems, even when you can not move so much that you will only go to the toilet with it. First, he is always ready for you, e, feed. Secondly, your folds excite it much more than those zones, with which you can experience the excitement. Oh, my beauty, however, is it cool, what can I make love with your navel? This is your uniqueness, the flat show can not. As for your pleasure, well, let me grow to you another your favorite taste. Is food - not pleasure?


The sooner you put it in this relationship, the better. The only way to break such relationships is to run until you can move. While you can lose weight independently (truly extra) Weight and return to people. Otherwise, you will find a lifelong bed, TV and a lot of food. Sex will also be a lot too, but you can hardly feel at least something, because you will become a doll, incapable even to care for yourself. Violence is different, and no matter how sweet does not seem at the beginning, always ends badly.

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