5 signs that you went head on the basis of savings


You can find a million councils about how to save money. But almost nothing about how to slow down and do not ride a compulsive scopidomism. Check yourself - and not too far did you go in your leaning?

You have no goal

Any savings should have some goal - long-term or short-term. You delay the belt with pleasure and go with the "Starbax" on the instant coffee 3-in-1, are undergoing and consider rubles, but you understand that all this is in the name of something worthwhile. And someday it will end - when you will save on a trip to Kenya, you will find a loan for a personal work or pay a loan. Savings is a means of achieving a goal, and not the goal itself. If, of course, you do not put on the purpose of turning into a stingy knight.

You quietly

The fact that a penny ruble escapes is pure truth. But saving on very small things, you risk fall into job. To press dry, because you do not want to order in the restaurant Sok Sktryogoga? To go to the conflict with colleagues, because you feel sorry to hand over a hundred on a bouquet of accounting-birthdaynice? Dangerly stupid home through a frosty night so as not to feed the greed taxi drivers? Oh, do not need.

Saving prevents your relationship with people

Yes, the beer in the pub is sold with a huge cheating. Like coffee in a coffee shop. Therefore, you never go anywhere with anyone, and people gradually stop calling you - just to not listen to your whining about high costs.

You save on the most needed

You buy the cheapest shampoo and try to ignore the fact that you have dandruff and hair, like a pack. In the supermarket, you go straight to the red price tag and make yourself convincing yourself that the chicken frozen still under Yeltsin is not worse than fresh. Insurance you do not have at all. Winter tires changed already tenhel hosts and drove from Hokkaido to Kaliningrad. Wiring in the apartment cleaned a turbid type that took payment by a bottle. Such ekoneomia carries the risk for human dignity, health, and even life, you understand this?

You can't pass by sales

"All at 100", "2 at a price of 1" and "full elimination" sound in your ears with charming music. You buy coupons with dozens in the calculation someday to go from Butovo to Khimki and dine there in the Japanese restaurant with a 15% discount. You have five toilet rams and a dozen pillows. About the reserve. They gave it almost for almost a gift. But buying at a discount is still a purchase, and it is better not to buy anything than to buy something in FIG that is not necessary for 10% of the cost.

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