How to go to sleep on time, if the whole world is against


Spoiler: No. This file is open at 22-00, two more articles are waiting for its turn, the child fell out 10 seconds ago. There were no guests in the house, no fire, no earthquake, no need to walk the dog, do not guess, whether the boring spill will be sober, no one needs an injection of painful and tomorrow is the three-meter panel of patriotic content from the bark, acorns and cones. Sin complain. And sleep still not soon.

But acceptors, allowing you to put yourself a little early more often - there.


Evening alarm clock

At 23-00, my phone snaps up and the inscription "Pillow soft, Sweet dreams, Maunda Night will pop up on it. Sometimes you stop and think - damn! Really! And you postpone some a couple of things for tomorrow.

Call filter

In most of the current phones, you can configure the filter. To miss the calls from parents / children and no more. Customers will wait until the morning. By the way, the alerts from the FB, VK, LJ and what has anyone else there - also do silent.


The immunologist watched the child's tests for a long time, analyzes me, thought, and instead of complex drugs ordered to drink a soothing fee number 2 overnight. Instead of tea (or, moreover, coffee). There is nothing special in the same collection - Melissa, licorice, Valeriana - but it can't drink it daily. Cases. And after the cup of this poison, it turns off after forty minutes. Although the muzzle is in the monitor, even in the bathroom, at least over a burst boot. If the problem is that after 11 pm, it comes the damn item - then the collection number 2 at 22-00 is the thing that is necessary.


If there is sex, then plan it for the evening and firmly abandon any kipishni after it - a sure way to get out too late. Of course, if you fell into bed after one year separation, it is unlikely to light quickly - but one night per year can be completely devoted to the sex. And on the other days just do not get up "then." In the stump unworthy dishes. Narromantically.

Yoga and meditation

The advice that is more useful to those people who are difficult to sleep than those who break through the pillow with the battle. Schedule and strictly perform smooth, soothing and relaxing exercises.

Warm milk with honey

As the previous one, this recipe begins to work in full force only for the third month of steady use, but when it works out! One day, the girl's jumpering on the bed of seven years took a mug, began to drink ... A hardened cup was left at mom in his hands, the head fell on the pillow, a dimensional assumption rang out. "Hell Potion" - a reverently comphancing Dad.


And those who are badly falling asleep, and those who find it too late. Watch that somewhere from 21-00 in the bedroom was ventilated. From the stuffy sleep worse, and even those hours that you will get, help the body is not so good if there is little oxygen in the air. In addition, in the cool room under the blanket seems more cozy.

Warm legs

You can woolen socks, you can slippers, you can wash the legs with warm water overnight, you can entirely take the shower - in general, to ensure that there is warmth in the hour before the alleged sleep. Preparing to sleep, the body flies the speed of the pulse and pressure, the legs begin to chop. And to fall asleep, have to warm up - why waste sleep time to shake under the blanket?

Breathing exercises

This lay down, and in the head, they are like victims, thoughts, troubles, sorrows, plans, schedules and models of dresses. Come on, squeeze and touch the boredom to the kitchen behind the gull and the Baton. But not! If, amems to the bed, heels to breathe, exhale in a special scheme, right away, of course, do not cut off. But the morning will come at no further than three or four thoughts. Fair.

The "4-7-8" method is absolutely simple and can be performed at all in any position, even standing.

1. To completely exhale through the mouth with a whistling sound.

2. Close the mouth and calmly breathe through the nose, having consisted of yourself to 4.

3. To hold the breath, calculating mentally up to 7th.

4. Fully exhale through the mouth, making a whistling sound, calculating up to 8.

To be honest, there are any numbers. The key point is to delay the air within a while, and inhaling and exhale slowly, with taste.

Pedometer bracelet

It turns out that not only steps and pulse measures, but also watches, as far as the owner fell asleep and how much she slept in a deep sleep (this is important). Draws beautiful graphics. Offers if the deep sleep is not enough, walk for the night and ventilate. Grong, if lay late. Like any gamefice, looks like something nonsense, but it works. I want a beautiful curve and messages "You slept better than 86% of users."

Illustration: shutterstock

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