Autographs of war. Portraits from which heart shrink


Artist Gennady Dobrov drew portraits of veterans all his life. It is hard for them to watch, but this is not people such persons are a terrible face of the war itself. Alas, the war remains with a person, even when it ends.

Wounded when defending the USSR


Alexander Sabyonov went to the front volunteer at the age of 17, served to the officer. In Karelia, a bullet was injured in the head. He was paralyzed for the rest of his life. Portrait made on Valaam Island.

Portrait of a woman with a burned face

This woman lost consciousness near the furnace at the news of the beginning of the war: Her husband was just sent to the Brest Fortress.

Old Warrior.


Mikhail Cossacks had to participate in the Russian-Japanese, First World and Great Patriotic War in his century.

Holidays in the way

Alexey Kurganov, running the fascists, reached Moscow to Hungary and lost in the battle of both legs.



Mikhail Koketekin passed the war with an air director. He also lost both legs.

Book of love

Polina Kirilov after the war was in the boarding school on Sakhalin. She lost both hands: "Only because some rascal wanted to get into history," as she said herself.

Defender of Leningrad


The infantryman Alexander Ambarov twice after the bombing houses turned out to be buried alive. He was filing, and he, barely recovered, went into battle again. Portrait of a barn made on the island of Valaam.

Return from Walk

Seraphim Commissarov fought in the partisan detachment in Belarus. During the fulfillment of the task at night, squeezed into the swamp. It was found only in the morning and literally cut out of ice.


Viktor Lukin was also first a guerrilla. When the occupied territories were freed from the fascists, joined the ranks of the Red Army and continued to fight with the Nazis.

Unknown Soldier

The name of this person is unknown to anyone. As a result of heavy injury, he lost his hands and legs, the fire and the gift of speech. He had only vision. Portrait made on Valaam Island.

Life live honestly

Mikhail Starschkin hid his disability to go to the front. Commanded artillery rate and reached Berlin.

Story about medals

Ivan Bar Oples in the war. He participated in the defense of Stalingrad: "There was hell."

Price of our happiness


Sergey Balabanchikov - one of the millions who stopped Hitler.

Front memories


Boris Mileev lost his arms at war and, nevertheless, she worked all his life with "typist". When a kind got acquainted with Milev, he wrote his memoirs.

Passed from the Caucasus to Budapest

Alexey Chkheidze was in the group of marines, we premined the Budapest Royal Palace - the fascists really wanted to destroy it. Almost the whole group died, but the palace was saved for descendants. Chkheidze lost both hands and vision, as well as partially, rumor.

Letter to a friend-one-slang

Frontovik Vladimir Yerymin managed to adapt to life without hands.

Congratulations to Friends Happy Victory Day

Vasily Lobachev was injured in the defense of Moscow. Because of the gangremen, his arms and legs amputated. His wife also lost both legs. They lived all their lives, keeping each other, and raised two sons.

Dead war

Radist Julia Emanov was among those who defended Stalingrad.

Old wound

Andrei Fominye from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk also returned with severe injury.

Ordinary war

Mikhail Guselnikov fought on the Leningrad Front. On January 28, 1943, during a breakthrough, the blockade of Leningrad, the soldier was wounded into the spine and remained forever was chained to bed.

I don't want a new war!


Victor Popkov passed the war with an intelligence. And would not wish such fame to anyone.

Pictures source: Site Gennady Dobrov

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