Sex vs food. How to survive in the New Year holidays



New Year's Eve - time of miracles (in any case, it is expected), and the holidays are ten days of free time, when you can finally carve out time and how to have sex with an existing partner or start a short adventure with someone as well idleness.

But on the path of sexual exploits there is a serious enemy: food. Do not overeat on New Year's holidays is impossible. On December 31, the annual deficit of mayonnaise happens, the salads begin to chop at around noon, and then the week they commemorate and foggle friends, relatives and acquaintances. Yes, and you get tired of resting, and food is a way to spend time in a pleasant company. As a result, a couple of times, a couple may turn out to be so rewritten that someone blames at the most inopportune moment (that is, any). How to avoid this?

Recommendations gives sex blogger Tatyana Nikonova.

1. Food is sexy

Do not try to give up food on the day of date - you can skip all the most interesting. Research under the leadership of Dr. Alice or showed that women on the full stomach perceive romantic images much more positively, especially if the study was sitting on a diet (still). It was found out with the help of MRI scan: showed a couple of couples in romantic situations and made a brain snapshots when watching pictures before meals and after, and the food was issued only 500 kcal. Less than in the packaging of marmalade bears, they are 660 there.

2. Know your norm

Only not alcoholic, but the rate of food. Calories are considered - the case is a glamor, when you put another cake, so measure better volume - on the eyes, for example, in cups (this is about 200 ml). Count a daily portion at normal time, multiply by two and try to not go beyond it. Otherwise, the stomach will turn out to be unusually naked, and half poses will give you so hard, that you will not receive any pleasure.

3. Salads in the furnace

Those very twicefoots. The maternity senior relatives love carefully disappeared, but before poisoning not far. You do not want directly from the bedroom to run a changed face to the toilet - eat fresh, well, or at least just sliced. The soy sausage is just a shelf life of a fair, but when it turns out to be in a salad, where someone has already climbed with his own spoon, twice, per day, - problems begin.

4. Winter IS COMING

Typical Winter-Festive Food This is: Nutritional soups (with garlic), chiller (with horseradish), filler (with mustard), dumplings (with vinegar), herring (with bow), - Well, and so on. It all frauds, and the toothbrush does not help, because it smells straight from there, where the food is gone. Just hammer and eat with a partner. If you both smack, you will only feel your own smell, and this is not considered. Smoking for the company I, of course, do not suggest.

5. Sleeping vigilance


Overeating is one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. In the sense, I was flooded with a neglence, and everything fell asleep. Exit - to warn the partner that he will fall asleep or with you at night, or trying to get up from the table. At the same time you know, against anyone or what he is unable to resist. Logical question: What to do if another partner for the evening is not provided, because the current, for example, the husband? Find with him the opportunity to eat standing, say, behind a conversation with friends in the kitchen. The feeling that I was enough for superfluous will come to you both much earlier.

6. And if not a husband?

New Year's trips have become unavailable to such a number of people that a woman is expected in cafes and restaurants - there are still enough money on them. What to use on a three-hour date in the catering, if you get up because of the table too, it's not necessary to hurry anywhere, and still you are in a thick sweater? Not cakes. Slop two "Napoleon" and in bed you want to go to bed, and not that you counted there. Not raw vegetables and frankly unfamiliar sauces - they will have time to pass part of the road and cause meteorism. It is asked what women still eat on dates? Yes, the rest of the menu. Just do not move through with rapid carbohydrates and is unknown as soothed carrot chopsticks.

7. Put!

Not a gas composition (hello, belching!) And not wine (intoxication reduces emotional sensitivity, but to move easily). Drink water, it will reduce discomfort if you can't refuse another cutlets. It doesn't matter, you are hungry or rewriting, it is not allowed to focus on sex. In the same study, Alice or it is indicated that the participants were given to the participants, so as not to be distracted by the pictures demonstrated by scientists. If without stimulants nowhere, first the food, and then drink.

8. Wood you can sleep

Suppose you still have done, but not going to refuse sex. The win-win version is the pose lying on the side face to face. First, it is romantic - you can watch each other in the eyes and kissing. Secondly, no one will attach to you with disgrace with understandable consequences. Thirdly, it will not be necessary for anyone to ride and depict activity when you want only to lie down. And sex.

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