Russian soul, hard and hipsters. 25 quotes of Hope TEFFI, current and to this day


Chekhov in a skirt and Averchenko in a Cloš hat - or simply magnificent Taffphi, observant and merciless, left in the history of true masterpieces of sarcasm, who are not outdated in a hundred years either for the day.


About the Russian soul

We are strange to our outstanding people, to our heroes. We, for example, love Nekrasov very much, but most of all I am pleased with the fact that he was a gambler. About Dostoevsky also learn not without a pleasant feeling that he sometimes lost in the cards all to the last thread.You know yourself - still Tyutchev said that "the mind of Russia is not understood," and since another body is not in the human body, it remains hand. One of the local public figures began, they say, belly to understand, yes he was fired.

- I'm going to me - there is a small resort, very well treats from appendicitis. - Do you have appendicitis? - No, I have a discount.

Oh Hipster

The poet was very interesting. He has not yet composed poems, but invented only a pseudonym, but it did not prevent him from being very poetic and mysterious, maybe even more than a different present poet with real-style verses.

At six o'clock get up? What are you crazy, what? Stack you can fuck your nerves!

So, by the way, it always happens - when people want to talk, they go to a restaurant with music. Music interferes, dries voice. It is necessary to ask for three times to ask, wait for pauses, sometimes with impatience and irritation. Still, for some reason, for some reason, go to a restaurant with music.

Oh hard

From each dance, you can do something that you will be pulled for insulting public morality, or, on the contrary, - aesthetically sublime and beautiful, like the dance of King David before the Ark (although David, according to the testimony of the Bible, came after these dancing family misunderstandings).

About social networks

For me, this is a tragic joke: one of the most painful burrs of my life is that all the time advice gives me. Do I have such a stupid, or people everyone meets very friendly - I do not know. But from the Soviets - in Gi-Bay! Nowhere to smoke. And if they also advised, with understanding in their specialty. So not! Girl advises, what to take medicine, Doctor - how to write stories, the fields - where to order hats, professor of philosophy - how to make an omelet, one-time children - how to eat rationally.


On eternal troubles

- Where are you going? - asks the lady. - breakfast. - What are you so early? - Yes, so, invited to the hour. - it hurts early. Whether it is not better to go later. Go two. - You can go something at least four, but they, that's good, everyone will eat.

No one really advises so much as a fool.

Jokes are funny when they are told. And when they are worried about, it is a tragedy.

About female

The story of Olechnushka, deeply psychological, was as follows. She loves Vova, but Vova is cheerful, and he is lucky in everything. And Dima is very poor and some unsuccessful, and everything is bad, and even she does not love him. Therefore, it is necessary to marry him. Because it is impossible to make a person so bad.

If you are still interested in the fate of a woman offended and humiliated by you, then know that her brother has no spring coat.

Musya Riven was young, just for the first time the divorced baby, sad, sentimental and gentle, which did not interfere with it to clap a watery wineglass beyond a glass, to no avail and unnoticed for her or others.

About economic issue

Margarita Nikolaevna is a reputation of a smart woman. It comes to advice in a psychologically difficult moment. Exceptionally women. In the material and difficult moment they do not come to her. It is logical. Once she is smart, then no money will give.

Now they are not interested in Russian culture, but by some diametrically opposite - Russian raw materials.

I know whether I bought a wonderful post paper. But since I do not want to pay duties, - Dudov-s - so I wrote it all. Just like this, different nonsense. Now no one will hold.


About Pickup Guru

With closer and more dwelling, Pan Huslinsky, together with the spells of his external qualities, of course, put into circulation and charm of his spiritual personality. The results turned out to be awesome: he married a civil marriage three times and twelve times of bits in different cities and various objects.

About the victims of the Pickup Guru

It was in it, in this geek, something restlessly nasty that I thought: "Is there really such an idiot in the world, which will allow him to any closeness, somehow believes him, and even, perhaps, will pass Gadle creep? " After two weeks, I myself was this idiot.

About very spiritual men

Odnolyuba loves philosophize, draw conclusions and just - now accuses, and well, to fall into his wife and children. Then he always tries to commit suicide, too, but for some reason he does not succeed, although he doesn't give a mishai with his wife and children. Subsequently, he explains this by the fact that it is used to always take care of the first head of your favorite beings, and then about yourself.Surname Ilya Ivanovich, strictly speaking, Ovechkin, but he makes it up to write it through Yat, to show that he does not happen from sheep, but from eternity.

The fact of the matter is that the real round fool is recognized primarily on its greatest and unshakable seriousness. The most intelligent person can be windy and shall flow, - the fool constantly discusses everything; Discussed, comes accordingly and, by doing, knows why he did it just, and not otherwise.

About patriotism

"We have sixty-four letters in the alphabet," I flushed. Italians silently looked at me for a few minutes, and I got up and, turning my back to them, began to look at the moon. So it was calmer. And besides, everyone has the right to establish the glory of his homeland, as can.


The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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