Clean the animal!


Once a day or once a year, but all the lady do it. And all gentlemen at least ever do it. At the same time, everyone do it in different ways. Different cleaning styles are like different biological species: who ordered to tweak nature, so so so so well.

Like hamster

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This cute creation is overshadowing everything that lies badly, for the cheek, and looks in an innocent look: and FO, Nifyevo is not ponder, here Naf Nifyevo and not. Hamster cleaning consists in creating the effect "Nothing is not lying anywhere." This effect is achieved by sprinkling slippers, socks and apple straps in all sorts of drawers. When the boxes cease to close, there is space under the bed, a wardrobe, and a cozy dusk curtains. And that's it. Chifty!

Like Kedrovka

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This shopping bird collects nuts and calls them for the cache, the location of which regularly forgets (this is the case, by the way, in the taiga and cedar breed). Clearing cleaning is a terry women's classic called "decompose in its own places." Find anything in the apartment after that - a difficult task. Most often in the role of cedings, a wife is - young and diligent. Her husband after this turns into a tent bear, which shakes around the apartment and growls: "Where did you shove my T-shirt? I always hung on my handle here, RDP! ". Kedrovka offended tweet, explaining that she did not shove, but folded! In a special T-shirt box, which today allocated on the mezzanine. Or on the balcony? Hmm ...

Like a cheetah

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The fastest animal in the world is a cheetah. Only here the fantastic rate of the beast develops literally for a few seconds, after which it immediately gets tired and poured back. Hepard house cleaning is in a matter of minutes to roll out all the junk into the center of the room to finally disassemble it ... and that's it. Forces ended, the tablet pulled as a powerful magnet. This type of cleaning is actively practiced by secondary school students caught by Mama on Sunday morning. Little tip Mama students: Cheetahs Unusually Bodrit Potel.

As an ant

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The ant is considered the most hardworking goat in the world. In fact, he is just terribly diligently and wildly consistent. The ant readily boils the subject of tens of times heavier himself - and drags through the whole forest until it dodges. But the sun comes here - and hang up. So for the full completion of the project, a whole anthill is not in vain. Cleaning ARASY - it's twist to the chandelier and take up a thorough rubbing of each dust. After that, time to have a very conscientiously wash the rag. And all: Sunset-s. Women who are lucky to have such happiness in husbands, every day can enjoy perfectly shining sink surrounded by the picturesque peel, or, for example, a frightening transparent mirror in the corridor's pitted.

Like chimpanzees

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Chimpanzee is an intellectual animal, actively used to implement labor. Cleaning in chimpanzin is a thorough choice of a variety of gadgets, followed by their inspection and testing. Smart broom, self-propelled harvesting combine, ergonomic mops, air washing with the function of holding a bubonic plague ... Techno fan will kill a half-month, choosing a mega-vacuum cleaner weighing in the centner, another half-month will spend on learning all the functions of a miracle monster, and the following half a year will scribble On the forums in the Spirit "Just look, he knows how to stamp hearts from dust!". And not to say that the progress of comfort is observed in the apartment.

Like Lenivets

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Cleaning in Lenziski is a leisurely elbow gesture to move away from the monitor three layers of everything immediately (two wrappers, five receipts, headphones, glasses, a package with something heavy, razor, cheese, helmet, a train, some skeleton, cat food, Ceramic elephant, 16 milling corpiques, pliers and another 39 positions) and free 10 sq. M. In order to hoist a cup on them. General cleaning is to slip the cup.

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