What you don't do after sex - and it would be necessary


Business before pleasure. But after all, even after the ideal sex, it is worthwhile. Are you arguing? - Do not care.

Not going to the toilet

Not the most romantic advice - but useful. During sex, even protected (and even more so - risky), it can easily get an alien microflora into your urethra. And arrange a party with fireworks there. But if after hugs you run into the toilet in a small one, most of the aggressors will simply be washed away. Do not perceive this action as the effective prevention of the STD, but to reduce the risk of inflammation of the urinary tract it can really.

Do not take souls

Especially if you used lubricant. It is better to wash off - it is still not designed to contact with your skin for long hours. So it is possible to earn irritation.

Do not wash sex toys

Yes, again, no romance. But it is necessary to do this, and the faster - the better. Bacteria are fruit and sneak into microscopic irregularities on the surface. The next day, the toy will turn into a cup of Petri. In the extreme case, we woll the thing with antibacterial napkins, and seriously you wash it in the next morning.

Do not hug

If you have nothing serious, an intrigue for one night, then you can skip it. But actually hugs after sex cause oxytocin emission, which strengthens the attachment. And studies also show that the pairs that hug after sex are more satisfied with their relationships than those who instantly turn their back to each other.

Do not touch it

Oxytocin and prolactin, the level of which after sex takes off to heaven, among other things, increase the sensitivity of the skin, and both floors. I do not want to hug - at least to keep each other.

Do not stay in bed

What a hurry? When the partner immediately jumps up and dresses, it scratches self-esteem, and it doesn't matter who remained alone among crumpled sheets - a boy or a girl. This is equally unpleasant.

Do not drink

Water, notice, not champagne from the neck. Since good sex is a slight cardio training, it is better to replenish the moisture reserve immediately.

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