Dr. Chaos: how to survive with a mess


You're accustomed to putting t-shirts on shades, products in the refrigerator - by calories, and is able to see the amount of gas for April for a last year. And your homework grown mold in the saucepans and hide apple grizzles under the bed and will not be in a sense that you do not like.

To live with a person who is indifferent to the guidance of order, is very difficult and fraught with the Civil War within a separate apartment. But experts from Qlean's cleaning service know how to get out with honor from such a situation.

Talk about it

If you ignore the problem, it will not go anywhere. So sooner or later you will have to sit down at the negotiating table and discuss it. Just do not include immediately Four of the home hearth. Bardak annoys cleanly, it's true. But, you know, life with the purity of Nazi is also not a party with confetti. Little who likes it when it is picked up a daily nose in trash.

Collect the will in the fist and withstand a valid tone, otherwise everything will end the quarrel, and the mess will continue to capture all new territories. To begin with, describe the perfect house, where every thing has its own place and no one is moving in search of socks and charging from the phone. Strong on convenience for everyone, and not to your sufferings - so we are arranged that our comfort is more important to us, do not blame.


Clean your hands and wall, that we are living in a pigsty - this is not a specific. He does not seem to be a person who is accustomed to the mess, and you may simply do not understand. Therefore, before conversation, make an exemplary list of measures to prevent chaos. "We fold the plates in the sink, and the T-shirts are in the machine," "remove the displeased in the refrigerator", "hang a jacket to the closet, and not on the first thing that comes" - this is clearer.

Do not confuse dirt with a mess

Very common accuracy adept error. You say "We are so dirty!", And the opponent looks around and gives an expert opinion - "Yes, there is no dirt here!" And he may be right. Dirt is embracing on the table, grills on the floor, black soil in the corridor and fat on the stove. Dirt spoils things, it needs to be cleaned and washed off. And the mess is just scattered things. And the opponent this difference is obvious.

Divide zones

In any apartment there are territories of general use and private corners. And, by and large, to fight only for those places you use together - for example, a corridor, living room and kitchen. What is happening there in the sonar or indoor landfill, which husband Musks "Cabinet" - not your business. How would you react to the fact that someone came to your cozy homemade workpace, declared him too sterile and scattered there the crusts from pizza - pure for the sake of revival? So you do not climb people with our ideas about the beautiful.

Don't go crazy

Let's honestly: Are you sure that this is homemade - piglets, and not you - a person who is argued on cleaning? This also happens. When we have nothing to do when we feel that the world has ceased to be a stable and safe place when the Earth leaves from under the feet and the future scares, we need to control at least something. And for many, something is becoming the purity of the sink and order in the closet. Live clean - it's wonderful, but chasing a cloth for every dust and fall into the rage, seeing the trail from the coffee cup on the table - it already smacks neuroticity.

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