At the height: 13 facts about flights that you were afraid to ask



Airplanes are another world. Stewardles speak Klingon, around incomprehensible rules, and under their feet - 10 thousand meters of free flight. Somehow uncomfortable, in general. But PICS now dispels mysterious halo around flights and tell how everything is arranged there.

Why on board is asked to disable phones? You might think, my SMS will drop "Boeing".

It will not drop away, but there is no interference from a call or messages (remember the characteristic noise in the radio per second to an incoming call?) Can drown out some very, very important information that uncle from the Earth reports uncle pilot. For example, about the fact that it is impossible to take off yet, because another aircraft is landing - 400 tons of metal at a speed of 250 km per hour.

And if both pilots cut down, the autopilot will put a plane?

Not. If the autopilot were so smart, they would have already organized the trade union and arranged strikes, and the crowds of unemployed pilots would scatter around the world. Autopilot does nothing self, without human control - it is just a system facilitating flight. Word Won is also smart, but I still can not write an article for PICS.

Why in the aircraft toilets of the ashtray, if there is still no smoking?

It is impossible, but smoke. Therefore, airlines are suitable for the question with the share of healthy fatalism - if you already sin, so at least do not bring others to the sin and extinguish your cigarettes in the ashtray, and not in the urn where paper is full.

An even-flame dinner will not even be asleep. Can I add additives?

You can, why not. Usually for such an incineration, like you (or in case someone rolls the box with food on the floor) on board take 8-15 spare dinners. By the way, a foil box, which is packaged hot, is called a "casselet". You can shine with this knowledge.

And the pilots do you eat?

In many airlines, each pilot gives their special box with food, which differs from the feed of other crew members. This is done for the Safety - if the fish suddenly turns out to be stupid (unlikely, but still) only one pilot will be released, and the one who ate chicken, Bedrychkom bring the airport plane. But it's all the reinsurance. Shelf life for airborne food is a few hours. Therefore, when the aircraft is delayed, the food prepared for passengers and teams are discharged and replaced with fresh.

Why raise the curtains on the portholes and the back of the chair during takeoff and reducing?

The back is raised to in the case of Akhtung people who sit right behind you, it was easier to get into the passage and evacuate. The table is fixed because in case of a sharp braking, he can stick to you in the ribs, and the curtains are discovered in order to (again, what happens to) the flight attendants could navigate in the smoke salon and withdraw passengers outside.

Wings swing! Now they will fall off and we will all perish!

The airplane wing is experiencing such loads, in comparison with which your worker Avral - sandbox and daisies. Wings - a flexible thing, and if desired, it can be bent at an angle of almost 45 degrees. Calm down already, mercy your lunch.

What if some psycho will open the door at height?

Well, let him try. At an altitude of 10 km on the emergency exit door, there is a pressure of 7-10 tons - 5 tons per square meter. That is, the psycho must also be a stronghold armed jack. But it will not help him - the door is enjoyed by electronic and mechanical locks.

Where does the contents of the toilet fly?

No, not abroad. Otherwise, all of Europe would have been clogged for a long time - there are so many airplanes over it that in the eyes of Ryabit. Hurricane wind in the toilet when pressing the "Flush" button is not depressurization, but a special air flushing. All good falls into a special tank, which is then cleaned on Earth.

How deep are air pits?

The heart takes off to the throat, and coffee to the ceiling, and the plane falls, falls ... Yes, it does not fall anywhere. While you are forgiving with life, remember mom, dad and first love, the plane shifts in space for a couple of dozen centimeters. The feeling of falling is the inadequate reaction of the vestibular apparatus, which is generally not intended for flights. At the moments of the most monstrous turbulence, which turns the interior into a shaker and makes the carts with a meal to jump around the aisles, the plane "falls" meters by 5-7. Most likely, you will never come up with such a thing, even if you go daily. Lifehak: Around the wing turbulence is less.

How is my bobby without me there, in the luggage compartment?

Bobbs are very sad there, dark and scary, but Bobikov life is out of danger - cats, dogs and hamsters do not fly along with luggage. They have a special compartment, which is ventilated and heated. At the height, the temperature reaches-60s, and there is almost no oxygen in the atmosphere, so it's not for the beast of a special snack, no one before the destination would not reach. But still there is not "Hilton", just say. Your microscopic chair in the economy with a screaming baby in the neighborhood where it is more convenient.

And what will happen if you caress for sex in the toilet?

Most likely, nothing will happen. One awkwardness. If you quietly retired in the booth and, not frapping anyone, enter your names in the list of members of the Mile High Club, you are unlikely to fly or somehow punish. And, by the way, in the cabin of the toilet there are always two oxygen masks. Accident? Do not think. The best time for love merits - dinner when the stewardess are busy cracking, and passengers - his expectation. But I mean - if the toilet is busy more than 15 minutes, the staff can be worried and open the cabin outside. Yes it is possible. But sex in the cabin is not recommended - the inconvenience, the police, the court, the penalty and the honorable place in the blacklist of the airline are guaranteed.

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