The most popular and coolest Cubes of 2017


It is a pity that many began to adhere to this class format for enthusiastic sofa edges. Gifs also live out how many years old and nothing. We decided to remind you how the Creators of Kubov had entertained how the entire 2017th year. We share the most favorite finds.

Arrival Snoop Doga


Barbie does not want to party

In case you have met an idiot for a whole year

Memes on the disco

When her daughter has risen especially this year

The perfect video on this song looks like that

A little more on the topic of fathers and children

Where is the money, little Lebovski?!

To everyone who this year mourned the wedding of Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vicander dedicated to

Still, something clearly not so

Sherlock - the king of the dance floor

Touching both


Hey, DJ, Rocking my record

Dangerous women behind the wheel tram

Is there any life after the series?

Eat cautious on holidays

All hope and Nicholas Cage in the new year!

And smaller stand in traffic jams!

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New Year of Adult VS New Year of the Child: Who Who?

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