11 Your little habits that will make the world of a little bit



This is not evil life - these are so-so people. That were all good - and there would be a pleasant to live. We found 10 ways for you to raise the degree of good around yourself. And all - it's easier to nowhere.

Clean the basket in the store

Do you remember where you took it from? From such a stack. That's where you clean. You can throw, of course, but then to clean her for you - and hundreds of the same lazy - most likely there will be a cashier who has the work and so very tedious.

Do not scold out loud

Irritation - it is like influenza. One nervous into the room was visited, you look - and after 10 minutes everything is already on the platoon and poison. Because everyone has a reason to raise. And from this - hypertension and the increase in evil in the world as a whole.

Do not give a beggar

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It depends on how, of course. But these are the poor mothers with hungry sleeping children and granny with kittens - part of a large and rich industry, which these kittens and kids grind out and spits. If you want to share - choose a charity foundation and share.

Due to food

If you can not pass by - give, but food. The owners of these professional fees do not take patties. And the people themselves are often not partners, but the most real slaves. It is possible that the truth is hungry.

Sort garbage

Yes, in our country, a negligible share is processed, but we are not about that. Many people live with plastic and glass recycling. Suppose you will not carry on to the reception point your tin, one and a half and beer bottles. But some poor grandmother - yes. Allegation of her life, spread them into separate packages and leave for the garbage, where she will reach them.

Do not slap the door in the entrance

At least in Khrushchekov. Echo in the entrance turns cotton into a shot. Not only moms suffer, only putting the kids to sleep and faced with the fact that it is necessary to prey again - everyone who suffers from migraine is tormented, and this is not such a rare ailment. Especially in the elderly.

Help with shopping

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Gathered to the store or pharmacy - ask the elderly neighbor or a young mother from the third floor, whether they need something too.

Share Sweet

Coffee cafes often give candy and chocolates that still few people eat. Leave the Salt on the park bench. The same granny, which fused 5 kilometers to the glass station reception, will be delighted with such an unexpected hotel.

Make compliments

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Nothing should be said to the saleswoman "How are you deftly cheese cut" or a proud milf "What a baby you have a pretty". 2 seconds, the minimum voltage of voice ligaments. And the man then will be happy all day.


Not only at home. That came to a picnic or on the beach, and there a bottle of soda is lying. Cooking it with me - not all of you, will be in the garbage package more or less? And people after you almost take a walk.


Even for the fact that people seem to be obliged to do on duty - to count the surrender, bring cappuccino and change the crane. All the same thanks. They encounter elementary politeness less often than you think.

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