How to recognize Narcissa near or 7 things that scare narcissist people to the depths of the soul


How to recognize Narcissa near or 7 things that scare narcissist people to the depths of the soul 38396_1

It would seem that the daffodils are in love with their image and what to be afraid of them. In fact, they sometimes have to be not easy, and there are 7 things that scare them to the depths of the soul.

1. Failure

Safety love people simply do not understand how it can happen that they can be rejected. It is why daffodils fall into rage and try to take revenge on people who ignore them or even (oh, horror! Ungrateful bastards) throw them. In fact, ignoring Narcissa means that a person rejects a false "I", which a narcissistic opponent created so carefully to make an impression. The refusal of this false "I" reduces "No" all their reason for the existence of such people who fully depend on the approval and attention of others (because they are essentially feed on such emotions as a vampire). When you reject Narcissus, he is forced to resist his own inner void, and nothing scares it more than it.

2. Ridish

Self-loved people have no sense of humor. Absolutely not. They can ruthlessly laugh even over the "friend," when he fell and broke his hand, and over any discomfort of someone else (as sympathy), but they are absolutely unable to laugh at themselves.

The reason why narcissist people are so worried about the jokes on their account, as well as they can not laugh at themselves, lies in the fact that "I", which Narcissus is trying to show the world, is false, and "should always support" everything else . To make fun of Narcissus - it means to make fun of a person who inside is empty as a puppet, and which will fall apart because of this void, constantly pursuing him.

3. Disrespect

No one loves when they are treated with contempt or disrespect, but a narcissistic person is experiencing an irrational fear about this. He or she worries about it all the time, and he is might of disagreement even where it is not. Again, it comes down to the false "I", which he or she must constantly maintain.

Disrespect for Narcissus is something that they say to pierce the hole in the "balloon", which they so carefully presented for the whole world. To avoid this, Narcissus uses all protective mechanisms in the arsenal - gaslighting, rage, showing silence, lies, denial, fictional reasons, etc.

4. Ignoring

This is perhaps the most obvious fear of narcissistic people. Narcissus ignoring leads to the fact that he feels slowly dying. That is why narcissist people prefer even to hate them, and not ignored, because negative attention is also the attention.

5. Exposure

If you expose the narcissistic person in his typical behavior, he (or she) is usually very angry. This can be expressed or in a scandal or in a silent silence. Narcissal does not like to be responsible for what they do with other people, because it means that they must admit that are not perfect. It also means that they must recognize the humanity of someone else, to which such people are simply not capable of. Narcissus is too aware of their imperfections, but only on the subconscious level, therefore, they will project their drawbacks on the opponent.

With such people, you often begin to feel that you live in the hellish world, where is no longer sure what is real, but what is not. Narcissus, unconsciously or consciously, creates this complex lie as a protective mechanism in order not to be exposed in its imperfection and inferiority. In essence, they accuse others to not be ashamed of themselves.

6. Loss of attributes of youth and success

As the daffodils are aging, they often become even more offensive to others. This is due to the fact that aging usually means the loss of appearance, career, health, perhaps even a spouse (which provides Narcissus "Energy to existence"), and in some cases even financial solvency. And all this is the necessary attributes of the image of Narcissus, which he was so carefully calm.

Somatic daffodils who most care about their health or appearance have never developed other aspects, and their false "I" is a fragile ephemeral design, incapable of love, true attachment, friendship and other things that are inherent in most people in old age or With difficulties.

Cerebral daffodils, concerned about their intellectual abilities or business grip, can longer "hold" for their qualities, but in the end everything ends with the same. For example, retirement is a huge blow to a narcissa pride, whose personality is connected with his or her career and the ability to earn.

In both cases, Narcissus, to avoid subsequent depression, literally throws out on others as an evil dog, becomes capricious and evil.

7. Death

Each Narcissus, without exception, lives in fear of death. This is because death is the final loss of a narcissistic image. Death means the complete destruction of the fact that the narcissist man holly and cherished all his life, so there is nothing more terrifying for them.

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