7 delicious recipes for microwave. Preparing instantly!


The "hopelessness" cupcake, Hit Runet, loved to many. Quickly, simple and in the microwave: What is needed for a man who is overwhelmed with laziness. But you can not eat alone cupcakes!

Especially for lazy people with gastronomic requests, we picked up the recipes of seven dishes for a microwave oven, the preparation of which takes a few minutes. About moments - we literally.

French croutons in a cup

It will take: A little baguette (can be replaced with other bread), egg, butter, milk residues, cinnamon and vanilla sugar.

Cut the piece or two from the baguette and apply them to cubes. Mastery cup from inside with butter. If you like the one - the left is a small piece of oil right on the bottom of the cup. Mound cubes bread in a cup. In another cup, prepare a mixture of eggs, 3 tablespoons of milk, chopping cinnamon and chipping of vanilla sugar. Shabby as it should, ply into a cup with future croutons and give me exactly a minute so that the bread is soaked with egg mixture. Now put a cup into the microwave. Usually, for readiness, grabs one and a half minutes, it depends on what bread take; Maximum - three minutes.

Actually, on this all - voila! Enjoy the Paris breakfast. For completeness, the atmosphere can be done in front of the photo of the Eiffel Tower on the desktop.

Kish in a circle

It will take: One large egg, 4 tomato "Plam" or "Cherry", 1 spoon of cream oil, white bread, salt, ground black pepper, 1.5 spoons of milk, grated cheese (best cheddar, spoon or one and a half), green onions. The circle should not be too wide.

Oil crops in the microwave and detach. Tomatoes cut along. Cooking bread with small pieces on a plate. It should take about 1/8 of the volume of the future bag. In the mug of the egg, the milk, melted oil, add salts and pepper. Stir fork to uniformity. Now add the same grated cheese, bread, tomatoes, chopped green onions. It is not necessary to interfere. All, put a mug into the microwave, to the very center, and at high power bakes one minute.

And again voila, because Kish is a dish of French cuisine.

Bacon and eggs

It will take: Several pieces of bacon, two eggs, salt, green onions.

First bacon. Put a wide flat plate into the microwave, and on it - a small deep bowl upside down. On the sides of the bowl of naveli bacon. It is so that the fat is glasses, then bacon can be made crispy. 1 Minutes at high power for bacon should be enough. While Bacon cries fat, breaking the eggs in a glass bowl - quite large enough to occupy no more than a quarter of volume. Add a pinch of salt, chopped green onions and thoroughly stir the fork of proteins with yolks. Put a bowl with eggs into the microwave on half a minute. Power slightly slightly. Then stir the scrambled season and again into the oven on half a minute. Scrambled eggs is ready. You can lay it on a plate, add bacon strips and sit at the table.

Help Yourself, English breakfast!

Baked salmon

It will take: Salmon fillet, salt, ground black pepper, 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream or kefira, 1.5 tablespoons of mustard, 2-3 lemon slice and parsley leaves for decoration.

Put salmon fillet with skin down on a plate, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix the sour cream and mustard as it should, lining fish. Put the lemon slices from above and getting all the film for baking. Beki 3.5 minutes, then check the fish for the fish for readiness. If necessary, bake still half a minute. Replacing lemon slices on fresh, decorating a parsley dish, and shovel with pleasure.

Pepper stuffed with egg

It will take: Bulgarian pepper, two eggs, cheese, a little milk, also tasted cherry tomato or green onions, salt, ground black pepper.

Pepper must be taken such that he can stand on his top. Carefully cut the tail with seeds. Put the pepper minutes at 2-3 at low power in the microwave. While he is heated there, break in the mug of two eggs, milk, grated cheese and finely chopped vegetable refueling, if you want. Socialist and pemer. How to stir fork. Bills this mixture into preheated pepper. Slightly increase the power and peks three more minutes. Similarly, you can cook stuffed tomatoes. Only they must be quite large and solid, and the eggs on the tomato will suffice alone.

Paired repa

It will take: Several small rap, butter, soy sauce.

From the turnips cut off the tops, and it is banging the cubes of a centimeter of two or three on the verge. Put on the plate and bake 5 minutes on medium power. Lubricate in a plug by a piece of oil, sprinkle soy sauce. It really happens easier.

Dessert of pears

It will take: Solid pears, sugar, cinnamon.

Pear cut in half, choose a middle with seeds, a little sugar flush into the hole. Cover a plate with pears with a different plate and bake two minutes at high power. Sprinkle with cinnamon, you turn around ... Delicious!

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