How to educate children or why you need a strict frame


How to educate children or why you need a strict frame 38391_1
Today's children are emotionally unable to manifest themselves properly at school and in social situations. They grow poorly prepared for adulthood, because there are several factors that contribute to this. These factors must be taken into account when raising a child.

1. Technologies

Nowadays, children do not receive a sufficient number of exercise, as they spend most of their time with gadgets. The lack of physical exercises is extremely harmful to children's mental and physical health, as they slow down their development.

In addition, excessive use of technology can lead to dyslexia in children, which, in turn, can lead to the fact that their brain will not quickly perceive the information. And that is not all. The use of phones, tablets, video games, etc. can emotionally separate children from their relatives, and after all, the emotional presence of parents is the most important element for the healthy development of a young brain. Unfortunately, we gradually deprive our children of this natural source of mental development.

Social ties, outdoor activities and other exercise are important for the development of children, as they stimulate positive behavior and allow them to gain self-confidence.

2. Children get everything they want at any time when they ask about it

Who is unfamiliar? When a child caprizes that he is hungry during a walk, then you immediately buy something. When he declares that he is bored, then the baby is given a phone to he can play with him.

One of the key success factors in the future life is the ability of a person to postpone satisfaction. Of course, everyone strive to make their children happy, but in many cases parents make them happy only for a short time and more and more unhappy in the long run. Those who are able to postpone pleasure in life have a much greater ability to act in stressful situations. The inability of the child to postpone satisfaction can often be observed in school, in shopping centers, in restaurants, toy stores ... At that moment, when a child hears the word "no", because parents taught him that he can immediately get everything he wants.

From many parents you can hear phrases: "My son does not like vegetables," "She does not like to breakfast," he does not like to go to bed early, "" She doesn't like toys, but she is ready to sit with I-PAD clock, "he does not like to dress on their own "," she is lazy to eat herself ", etc. But since when did the children be responsible for how they are brought up? And moreover, almost everyone deliberately allows children to do what harms them. We teach them what they can do everything they want, and they can not freely do what they do not like. Unfortunately, it will later be in adulthood.

3. Unlimited game time

We ourselves created the world of endless fun for our children. When we see that they are bored, they run to entertain them. Making otherwise, everyone thinks that they do not "fulfill their parental debt." In fact, we live in two different worlds - children in their "world of entertainment", and we are in our "Labor World". But why they should not help the kitchen or wash with us underwear, why they should not be removed in their rooms and bring their toys in order (if, of course, someone has physical toys today)? This monotonous work that teaches the brain to work during boredom. This is a "muscle" to train and develop so that children can then learn lessons at school.

What can be done

1. limit their use of technology and communicate with them at the emotional level

You need to share with children laugh, tick over and fool with them, leave them a caring note in the lunch box, take them with you for lunch, dancing and playing together, arrange fighting pillows, play board games, go on the evening walk with lanterns and t ..

2. Practice delayed satisfaction

Teach them how to wait. It is necessary to gradually increase the time between "I want" and "I get". It is also worth avoiding the use of gadgets in a car, a cafe, etc. Instead, you need to teach children to communicate or play words during waiting. And absolutely will be able to limit the consumption of unhealthy food during snacks.

3. Do not be afraid to install the frame. Children need a framework permitted so that they grow happy and healthy

It is necessary to make a meal schedule, sleep, time for computer games and watching cartoons. It is worth thinking about what is good for children, and not what they are currently wanting. They will be grateful to you for it later in your life. In fact, to educate children is difficult. You need to be creative to do what is better for them, because in most cases it will be the opposite of what they want. Children need breakfast and hearty food. They need to spend time in the fresh air and go to bed early to go to school as the next morning. You need to turn things that they do not like to do, in the emotionally stimulating and cheerful occupation. It will also be good to teach kids to perform monotonous work at an early age, because this one will be the key component of their labor life. For example, it can be a folding of linen, sorting toys, putting on clothes on a hanger, product assorting, etc. Ideally will convince children to consider these tasks like games.

4. Teach them social skills

You need to teach children how to share how to win and how to endure defeats, how to make compromises and how to praise people.

Any parents can help their children become tougher, smarter and rustier, so when they once come out of the house, they will be able to see the world with all the necessary skills and courage necessary for success. The attitude of children to life can change at the moment when parents change their attitude towards raising children. Their future is in your hands.

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